Chapter 8 Flashcards
Libertas, Libertatis
Liberty (F)
Ratio, Rationis
Reckoning, account; reason, judgement, consideration; system manner, method (F)
Scriptor, Scriptoris
Writer, author (M)
Soror, Sororis
Sister (F)
Victoria, Victoriae
Victory (F)
Conjunctive: While, as long as, at the same time that
Subjunctive: Until
To, up to, near to (prep. + acc.)
The D will sometimes be assimilated (accipio, appello, aspicio)
Out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of (prep + abl)
X is sometimes assimilated (educo, eventus, efficio)
Never (adverb)
Nevertheless, still (adverb)
Ago, Agere, Egi, Actum
To drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend (when with “life” or “time”)
Gratias Agere
To thank (someone), to give thanks
Demonstro, Demonstrare, Demonstravi, Demonstratum
To point out, show, demonstrate
Disco, Discere, Didici
To learn more about
Doceo, Ducere, Duxi, Ductum
To lead, consider, regard; prolong
Gero, Gerere, Gessi, Gestum
To carry; carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform
Scribo, Scribere, Scripsi, Scriptum
To write, compose
Traho, Trahere, Traxi, Tractum
To draw, drag, derive, acquire
Vinco, Vincere, Vici, Victum
To conquer, overcome
Cicero, Ciceronis
Cicero (M)
Copia, Copiae
Copiae, Copiarum
Abundance, supply
Supplies, troops, forces (F)
Frater, Fratris
Brother (M)
Laus, Laudis
Praise, glory (F)