Chapter 12 Flashcards
Adulescens, Adulescentis
Young Man or Young Woman (M/F)
Annus, Anni
Year (M)
Asia, Asiae
Asia (F)
Caesar, Caesaris
Caesar (M)
Mater, Matris
Mother (F)
Medicus, Medici (M)
Medica, Medicae (F)
Doctor, physician
Pater, Patris
Father (M)
Patientia, Patientiae
Suffering; patience, endurance (F)
Principium, Principi
Beginning (N)
Acerbus, Acerba, Acerbum
Harsh, bitter, grievous
In front of, before, on behalf of, for the sake of, in return for, instead of , for, as (prep +ablative)
Long, for a long time (Adverb)
Recently (Adverb)
Amitto, Amittere, Amisi, Amissum
To send away; lose, let go
Cado, Cadere, Cecidi, Casurum
To fall
Creo, Creare, Creavi, Creatum
To create
What does the Perfect Tense indicate?
Indicates a past action with present results (I have eaten)
What does the Pluperfect Tense indicate?
Indicates a past action with past results (I had eaten)
What does the Future Perfect Tense indicate?
Indicates an action completed in the future (I will have eaten)