Chapter 18 Flashcards
Flumen, Fluminis
River (N)
Genus, Generis
Origin; kind, type, sort, class (N)
Hostis, Hostis
An enemy (of the state) (M)
(Hostes is just “the enemy”)
Ludus, Ludi
Game, sport; school (M)
Probitas, Probitatis
Uprightness, honesty (F)
Scientia, Scientiae
Knowledge (F)
Clarus, Clara, Clarum
Clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious
Mortalis, Mortale
Why (Adverb)
Thereupon, next, then (Adverb)
Fluo, Fluere, Flux, Fluxum
To flow
Lego, Legere, Legi, Lectum
To pick out, choose; read
Misceo, Miscere, Miscui, Mixtum
To mix, stir up, disturb
Moveo, Movere, Movi, Motum
To move; arouse, affect
Videor, Videri, Visus Sum
To be seen, seem, appear
What is the Passive Voice?
When an action is performed on an object rather than by it
“Goliath WAS STRUCK by a stone”