Chapter 20 Flashcards
Coniurati, Coniuratorum
Conspirators (M pl.)
Cornu, Cornus
Horn (N)
Fructus, Fructus
Fruit; profit, benefit, enjoyment (M)
Genu, Genus
Knee (N)
Manus, Manus
Hand; handwriting (F)
Metus, Metus
Fear, dread, anxiety (M)
Mons, Montis
Mountain (M)
Senatus, Senatus
Senate (M)
Sensus, Sensus
Feeling, sense (M)
Servitus, Servitutis
Servitude, slavery (F)
Spiritus, Spiritus
Breath, breathing; spirit, soul (M)
Versus, Versus
Line of verse (M)
Communis, Commune
Common, general, offer the community
Dexter, Dextra, Dextrum
Right, right-hand
Sinister, Sinistra, Sinistrum
Left, left-hand
Careo, Carere, Carui, Cariturum
To be without, be deprived of, want, lack; be free from (Ablative of Separation)
Defendo, Defendere, Defendi, Defensum
To ward off; defend, protect
Discendo, Discendere, Discessi, Discessum
To go away, depart
Odi, Odisse, Osum
To hate (Defective Verb)
Prohibeo, Prohibere, Prohibui, Prohibitum
To prohibit, keep back, prevent, hinder, restrain
Pronuntio, Pronuntiare, Pronuntiavi, Pronuntiatum
To pronounce; to proclaim, announce; declaim
Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives
Relative pronouns can be used to ask questions