chapter 8 Flashcards
what are the 2 ways to conceptualize and analyse psychological disorders?
- biomedical approach
- biopsychosocial approach
what is the biomedical approach?
- understands psychological disorders as physically based conditions, for which biologically grounded treatments are appropriate
what is the biopsychosocial approach?
recognizes the importance of biological causative factors, but also emphasizes the role played by psychological factors and sociological factors
what is a psychological disorder?
- a mental or behavioural pattern causing significant distress to a person or impairing their ability to function within society
- culture specific
what are depressive disorders?
- major depressive disorders is defined by the presence of at least one major depressive disorder (2 week period including 5 or more symptoms)
- dysthymia is a less-intense form of depression that occurs for at least 2 years; together with long-lasting major depressive disorder
- seasonal affective disorder is a major depressive disorder with a regular seasonal pattern of onset usually in the winter months
what are bipolar disorders?
- involve both depressive and manic episodes
- bipolar 1 disorder is primarily characterized by mania
- bipolar 2 disorder is primarily characterized by depression
what are anxiety disorders?
- generalized anxiety disorder which involves a disproprotionate level of stress and worry regarding a diverse range of otherwise routine aspects of daily life
- social anxiety disorder entails intense feelings of stress linked to social situations, often linked to embarrassment
- illness anxiety disorder manifests as excessive concern about medical conditions in the absence of phsyical symptoms
- panic attacks occur
what are obsessive-compulsive and related disorders?
- OCD consists of obsessions and compulsions (obsessions are thoughts)
- body dysmorphic disorder- characterized by an obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in one’s appearance that is more objectively minor or nonexistant
what are trauma and stress-related disorders?
- PTSD- characterized by a pattern of intrusive recollections related to the traumatic event and altered patterns of reactivity and arousal (must persist more than a month)
what are somatic disorders?
- somatic disorders involve physical symptoms
- somatic symptom disorder- refers to an excessive preoccupation or focus on a physical symptom
- coversion disorder describes physical stmptoms involving the impairment of sensory of voluntary motor function that do not appear to have a biological cause
what are dissociative disorders?
- hallamrk is disconnection from one’s routine state of consciousness and/or personality
- dissociative idnetitiy disorder- an individual has 2 or more distinct personalities that appear different at times
- dissociative amneisa- retrograde amnesia in which people lose episodic memories about their own lives
- depersonalization/derealization disorder refers to a pattern in which people feel a sense of unreality about their own existance, as if they’re observing themselves and their surroundings from a distance
what are schizophrenia disorders?
- psychotic disorder
- positive symptoms (hallucionations, delusions, disorganized thought and behaviour, and abnormal movement patterns)
- negative symptoms (reflect the lack or absence of ones baseline experience such as diminished levels of emotional intensity and initiative)- known as affect
- prodromal phase (a person displays a pattern of poor social adjustment and integration)
what are personality disorders?
- describe maladaptive behavioural patterns that cause persistent problems in a person’s life, but nonetheless may not be recognized as a problem by the affected person (ego-syntonicity) -diagnosed after the age of 18
what are cluster A perosnality disorders?
- paranoid personality- a high level of distrust towards others
- schizoid personality- marked preference for solitude, restricted range of emotions
- schizotypal personality disorder- intense discomfort in social contexts but with the addition of unusual beliefs that may be reminiscent of delusions without actually rising to that level
what are cluster B perosnality disorders?
- antisocial personality disorder- pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others, manifesting in violence
- narcissistic personality disorder- pervasive sense of one’s unique tlanets
- histrionic personality disorder- describes a pattern of flashy, attention-seeking behaviour
- borderline personality disorder- tendency for extremely intense, but unstable emotions and moods, as well as a cognitive pattern known as splitting (totally good or totally bad)
what are cluster C perosnality disorders?
- avoidant personality disorder- persistent sense of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to criticism
- dependent personality disorder- profound need to be taken care of by others
- obsessibe-compulsive personality disorder- reflects an excessive concern with orderliness, rules and regulations