Chapter 7 The Skeletal System Flashcards
The skeletal system has how many bones?
206 bones, including cartilage
Axial has how many bones?
80 bones
Appendicular has how many bones?
216 bones
Axial skeleton is made up of?
°vertebral column
°thoracic cage (sternum & ribs)
°ossicles (in the ear)
°hyoid bone
Appendicular skeleton is made up of?
°pectoral girdle
°upper limbs
°pelvic girdle
°lower limbs
Pectoral girdle
Clavicle & scapula
Anchors upper limb to trunk
Pelvic girdle
Two coxal bones (pelvic)
Anchors lower limb to trunk
How many bones in the skull and the 2 groups?
22 bones
Cranial bones
Facial bones
Cranial bones (cranium)
How many bones and their names?
(Hint: STEP OFf my skull)
8 bones
°Sphenoid 1
°Temporal 2
°Ethmoid 1
°Parietal 2
°Occipital 1
°Frontal 1
Facial Bones
How many bones and their names?
(8 types of bones)
14 Bones
°maxillary 2
°zygomatic 2
°nasal 2
°lacrimal 2
°palatine 2
°inferior nasal conchae 2
°mandible 1
°vomer 1
Air filled, membrane-lined spaces
These hollow cavities make the skull lighter
Paranasal sinuses
(4 of them)
Orbit 7 fused bones, what are their names
(Hint: FLEZMS)
°Palatine bone
Fontanel (soft spot)
Area of incomplete intramembranous ossification
(4 of them)
° is c shaped
° does touch any other bones
Provide numerous muscle attachment points involved in swallowing and speech.
Vertebral column (spine)
How many bones?
33 bones (vertebrae)
Vertebral column (spine)
What are the 3 types of vertebrae, and how many of each are there? (Locations) (also 2 more extra structures)
°Cervical vertebrae 7 - neck
°Thoracic vertebrae 12 - ribs
°Lumbra vertebrae 5 - lower back
°Sacrum 5 fused sacral
°Coccyx 3-5 coccygeal
Spinal curvatures
C-shaped vertebrae column of new borns > S-shaped secondary curvatures as infant grows
Primary curvature
(Thoracic & sacral)
Present during fetal development.
Secondary curvature
(Cervical and Lumbar)
Develops after fetal period
Spinal curvatures
(2 types)
°Primary curvatures
°Secondary curvatures
Abnormal spinal curvatures
(3 types)
Abnormal spinal curvatures
Abnormal lateral curvatures
Abnormal spinal curvatures
Exaggerated Cervical and lumbar curvatures
(Seen in pregnant women and beerbelly males)
Abnormal spinal curvatures
Exaggeration of thoracic curvatures
Transverse foramina
Allows passage of vertebral arteries and vein.
C1- atlas
° Lacks vertebral body
°articulates with occipital condyles and C2
°Dens (odontoid process) protudes from body
° Allow for rotational movement of head at neck (shaking head side to side)
Thoracic vertebrae (12)
°long spinous process
°superior & inferior costal facets (articulates with head of rib)
°transverse costal facets on transverse processes (articulates with tubercel of rib)
Lumbar vertebrae (5)
°largest and heaviest of all vertebrae (wt. Bearing)
5 fused sacral vertebrae
°sacral promontory
°sacral foramina
Sacral promontory
Top and anterior
Sacral foramina
4 pairs of holes allow for passage of spinal nerves
4 fused (3-5) vertebrae
Intervertebral disc
Fibrocartilage pad found between the bodies of vertebrae
Nucleus pulposus
Jelly like substances, shock absorber
Annulus fibrosus
Outer ring of Fibrocartilage
Herniated disc
Herniated disc (slip disc)
A tear in annulus fibrosus can allow nucleus pulposus to protude
Thoracic cage
(3 parts)
°Thoracic vertebrae
(The 3 parts)
°xiphoid process
Rib cage
12 pairs of ribs and their costal cartilages
True ribs
Ribs 1-7 (vertebrosternal ribs)
Attach to sternum via costal cartilage
False ribs
Ribs 8-12
Not attach directly to sternum
Ribs 8-10
Attach to cartilage of 7th rib
Floating ribs
(Vertebral ribs)
Ribs 11 & 12
Are not attached to sternum
Carpals bones
( 8 of them)
°Scaphoid °lunate °triquetrum °pisiform °trapezium °trapezoid °capitate °hamate
5 in each hand are long bones
14 in each hand are long bones
Wrist fracture
Colles fracture
Pelvis inlet
Oval opening formed by sacrum and pelvic girdle
Pelvic brim
Bony ridge surrounding inlet that defines boundaries between greater and lesser pelvis
How many bones? And there names
7 short bones
° talus °calcaneus °navicular °3cuneiforms °cuboid