Chapter 7 - Lesson 2 Flashcards
A cloud is made of
tiny drops of water or ice in the air
Cirrus clouds are
thin and white. They form high in the sky and can be seen on fair days.
Stratus clouds
cover the sky.
Stratus clouds form
in low, flat layers. They can be gray or white and can sometimes bring rain or snow.
Cumulus clouds are
white and puffy. they are flat on the bottom.
If cumulus clouds turn dark, they may
bring storms
Water in the clouds come from
oceans, ponds or even small rain puddles
Water in its gas form is called
water vapor
When the sun shines on a body of water, water vapors rise in the air. This is called
As water vapor rises into the air, it cools. Then, it changes back into liquid water drops. This is called
Water drops cling to the dust in the air. This forms
The water cycle is the way
water moves on earth
Water flows from ______ to ________ the back down _____
Earth’s surface, the air, to the Earth
During a tornado, go to
a basement or lie flat in a low place
During a thunderstorm, do not
use electrical devices
During a blizzard,
dress warmly if you must go outside
Dangerous weather is called
severe weather
A tornado is
a storm with strong winds.
A tornado looks like
a big, tall funnel. The wind moves in a circle
A hurricane is
a storm with strong winds and heavy rain. If it moves over land, it can harm buildings and cause floods
A blizzard is
a storm with lots of snow and cold temperatures. It can bury cars, plants and buildings. It also makes it hard to see.
During a thunderstorm, never stand
under a tree. Lightning strikes tall things