Chapter 7 Flashcards
ara, arae
alter (f.) 1st Declension
copia, copiae
abundance; pl.-troops, forces (f.) 1st Declension
fortuna, fortunae
fortune, chance (f.) 1st Declension
insidiae, insidiarum
ambush, plot, treachery (f.) 1st Declension (PLURAL ONLY- but singular in meaning)
natura, naturae
nature (f.) 1st Declension
unmbra, umbrae
shadow, shade, (ghost) (f.) 1st Declension
ingenium, ingenii
nature; disposition; (natural) talent (n.) 2nd Declension
templum, templi
temple (n.) 2nd Declension
ars, artis, -ium
skill, art; guile, trick (f.) 3rd i Declension
civitas, civitatis
state, citizenry; citizenship (f.) 3rd Declension
frater, fratris
brother (m.) 3rd Declension
mors, mortis, -ium
death (f.) 3rd i Declension
pars, partis, -ium
part; (side, position, opinion) (f.) 3rd i Declension
soror, sororis
sister (f.) 3rd Declension
virtus, virtutis
manliness, courage; excellence, virtue, morality (f.) 3rd Decelnsion
vox, vocis
voice; word, utterance, speech (f.) 3rd Declension
remain, stay; (tr.) await; (+ablv.= remain steady, abide by)
2nd Conjugation
maneo, manere, mansi, mansururs
terrify, frighten
2nd Conjugation
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus
desire, long for, want
3rd i Conjugation
cupio, cupere, cupii/cupivi, cupitus
3rd i Conjugation
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus
ask (for), seek; attack
3rd Conjugation
peto, petere, petii/petivi, petitus
hand over, surrender; hand down
3rd Conjugation
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus
(tr.) conquer, overcome; (intr.) win
3rd Conjugation
vinco, vincere, vici, victus
carry away, take away, remove 3rd Conjugation (Irregular)
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus
(intr.) differ, be different; (tr.) carry in different directions 3rd Conjugation (Irregular)
differo, differre, distuli, dilatus
bitter; harsh
2nd Declension Adjective
acerbus, -a, -um
antiquus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
old, ancient
carus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
precious; dear (to) (+dat)
certus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
sure, certain, reliable (adv. = ___‘ly’)
incertus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
unsure, uncertain, unreliable
falsus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
deceptive, false
novus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
new; strange
verus, -a, -um
2nd Declension Adjective
real, true
mortalis, mortale
3rd i Declension Adjective
mortal (m/f, n)
immortalis, immortale
3rd i Declension Adjective
immortal (m/f, n)
ante (adv.)
before, earlier, previously
ante (prep.+acc.)
before; in front of
aut (conj.)
aut… aut… (conj.)
either… or
etiam (adv.)
also, even; still
ita (adv.)
so, thus, in this way, in such a way
(when in an answer) “it is/isn’t so”= Ita est./ Non est ita.
ne (adv.)
post (adv.)
after(ward), later; behind
post (prep.+acc.)
after; behind
solum (adv.)
non solum … sed/verum etiam
not only…. but also
utinam (participle)
introduces an Optative Subjunctive (If only)
vero (adv.)
certainly, indeed; but (in fact), (truly)
verum (conj.)
bonae artes
liberal arts, cultural pursuits, (as in a mark of civilized society)