Chapter 10 Flashcards
legatus, legati
2nd. Dec. masc.
legate, envoy; lieutenant
natus, nati
2nd. Dec. masc.
son ; nata, natae (f.) daughter
dux, ducis
3rd. Dec. masc. or fem.
finis, finis
3rd. Dec. masc.
end, limit, boundary; territory (pl.)
genus, generis
3rd. Dec. neut.
descent, origin; race, stock; kind, sort
labor, laboris
3rd. Dec. masc.
work, labour; effort, hardship
mos, moris
3rd. Dec. masc.
custom, practice; (pl.) -(sometimes) charchter
ex/de more
according to custom
opus, operis
3rd. Dec. neut.
opus est
there is need of (+ablv. or nom./ rarely takes a gen.) [work to do/ piece of work/ effort]
oratio, orationis
3rd. Dec. fem.
oration, speech (Abstract ie: the power of speech)
orationem habere
to make a speech
orator, oratoris
3rd. Dec. masc.
speaker, orator
pectus, pectoris
3rd. Dec. neut. sing. or pl.
chest, breast; heart (often plural with sing. meaning)
casus, casus
4th Dec. masc.
fall; occurrence; chance misfortune
metus, metus
4th Dec. masc.
fear, dread
spes, spei
5th Dec. fem.
(a) certain person, (a) certain thing
Indef. PRONOUN - does not define/specify what it stands for
quidam, quaedam, quiddam
(a) certain
Indef. ADJECTIVE - does not define/specify what it stands for
quidam, quaedam, quoddam
1st Conj. tr.
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus
save, preserve
1st. Conj. tr.
servo, servare, servavi, servatus
stand; stand fast, endure; remain standing
1st Conj. tr.
sto, stare, steti, staturus
2nd Conj. tr.
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus
fall;die; (cease - when the subject is the wind, noise, etc.)
(3rd Conj. tr.)
cado, cadere, cecidi, casurus
be born (3rd Conj. D.V intr.)
nascor, nasci, natus sum
come to know, learn, recognize (present); know (perfect)
(3rd. Conj. Verb tr.) STARTS with N
(Inchoative Verb: an action is beginning to occur. Perf. Ind= Pres., Plup Ind.= Imp., Fut. Perf.=Fut.)
nosco, noscere, novi, notus
come to know, learn, recognize (present); know (perfect)
(3rd. Conj. Verb tr.) STARTS with C
(Inchoative Verb: an action is beginning to occur. Perf. Ind= Pres., Plup Ind.= Imp., Fut. Perf.=Fut.)
cognoso, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus
set out, set fourth
3rd. Conj. D.V
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
use; experience; enjoy (+ablv. as d.o)
3rd Conj. D.V
utor, uti, usus sum
suffer, endure; report
3rd Irregular Verb
perfero, perferre, pertuli, perlatus
bring back; report
3rd Irregular Verb
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus
aequus, -a, -um
2nd. Adj.
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil (level headed)
iniquus, -a, -um
2nd. Adj.
uneven; inequitable, unjust
honestus, -a, -um
2nd. Adj.
honourable, respectable
medius, -a, -um
2nd. Adj.
middle (of); (neuter substantive)- midst; open
notus, -a, -um
2nd. Adj.
known, well-known; familiar (often with dat. of ref.)
prep. + acc. (of)
at the house of, in the presence of, among, (with; in)
on the contrary, in opposition; in turn
prep.+ acc.
against, contrary to; facing
Adv. (Sometimes written as two words)
greatly; (magno opere - with great work)
(Conj.) Introduces Relative Clause of Characteristic
who/that … not
Adv. or Indec. Neut. Subst.
enough, sufficiently; enough (n. subst.)