Chapter 7 Flashcards
What is a substance that alters the function of the body in some way?
What is a substance that is used to cure or treat a disease or alleviate some of its symptoms?
What are medicines that the FDA considers unlikely to be abused or that have minimal side effects and can be sold to the general public?
over-the-counter drugs
What are medicines that the FDA deems likely to be abused or that have significant side effects and can only be sold to the general public by a doctor’s presciption?
prescription drugs
What are chemical substances that stop the growth of bacteria?
What are the most widely used of all medicines?
pain relievers
What are medicines that causes loss of feeling?
What type of anesthetics causes numbness in a limited part of the body?
local anesthetics
What type of anesthetics enters the bloodstream and prevents felling in the body as a whole?
general anesthetics
What type of local anesthetics are applied to the skin or mucous membranes?
topical anesthetics
What are medicines that reduce the sensation of pain but do no cause loss of other skin senses?
What is the oldest OTC analgesics that is a derivative or a drug found in willow bark?
What is a substance that reduces fever?
What is the analgesic pain-relieving and fever-reducing medicine commonly known as Tylenol that does not reduce inflammation?
What is a rare, encehalitits-like disease that has known to have been causes by aspirin?
Reye’s disease
What is the analgesic medicine that relieves pain and inflammation and fever but is considered less irritating to the digestive tract?
What is the medicine that blocks the action of histamine, allowing the tissues to return to normal?
What is a chemical messenger in tissues surrounding white blood cells that “sound the alarm” when a pathogen attacks the respiratory tract?
What type of OTCs helps clear stuffy sinuses and nasal passages and may also reduce chest congestion?
What type of OTCs help stifles the urge to cough?
cough suppresants
What do cough suppressants use to loosen the mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes?
What type of OTCs kills pathogens in minor cuts and scrapes to prevent infection?
antiseptics and first-aid ointments
What type of OTCs includes acne medicines, antifungal medicines, and soothing creams to treat a variety of conditions?
skin-care products
Who is a health-care professional who fills presciption and provides advice about presciptionand over-the-counter drugs?
Who is a researcher who develops and tests new drugs for medicinal use?
What are drugs that can affect the brain and mind?
psychoactive drugs
What is a condition in which a drug user becomes unable to function normally without a drug?
What are physical or psychological symptoms that appear in a drug user when he discontinues use of the drug or is unable to get another dose?
withdrawal symptoms
What type of dependence involves changes in body function that occur as a result of the drug?
physical dependence
What type of dependence involves mental and emotional changes that occur as a result of the drug’s effects on the brain?
psychological dependence
What type of withdrawal symptoms occur because of physical dependence?
physical withdrawal symptoms
What type of withdrawal symptoms occur because of psychological dependence?
psychological withdrawal symptoms
What is the prefix that means “mind”?
What is the word that describes drugs that tend to cause users to become enslaved to the drug, using it compulsively?
What is the neurotrasmitter that is assciated with positive feelings?
What is a condition that occurs when the brain adjust to the drug by reducing its production of dopamine, resulting in the addict requiring more and more of the drug to reach a “high”?