chapter 7 Flashcards
saftey , health and wellness
Co’s should create culture of ‘’ within their command in order to prevent:
- accident
- illnesses
- min exposure to risk of crew
npfa 1500 – safety , ‘‘and ‘’
1521- prof ‘’
1561- incident ‘‘and command’’
1581 – infection’’
1582 – medical’’
1584- process for members during emergency ‘‘and ‘’
1852 – care, maintenance of’’
1500- safety health and wellness
1521- prof qualifications
1561- Incident management system, command saftey
1581- infection control programs
1584- process for members during emergency ops and training
1852- care,maintenance of scba p. 159
ex of personnel qualifications
can be
- medical certs
- vehicle/ truck operation certs
- professional qualifications
only the Orgs f’x3 can be directly controlled and be made safe as possible
facilities, stations and apparatus
Workplace can be divided into :
- emergency scene
- en route /from to emergency
- facilities p. 160
orgs MNGT holds ultimate responsibility of providing a safe workplace which includes ensuring “””
- ensuring personnel accountability
Leading injuries among FF are
strains and sprains
’’ injuries include:
- trauma
- asphyxiation
- cuts bruise
- thermal stress
- burns
- behavioral issues p. 161
’’’ injuries include exposure to carcinogen
behavioral health ptsd
what is the most common cause of incident fatalities
cardiac arrest
Injuries can be prevented by developing accurate ‘’ and utilizing sound ‘’ practices
scene size up skills
risk MNGT
Co’s should ‘‘x3 personnel regarding polices and procedures as well as maintain accountability of personnel C,E,E
comply, enforce and EDu
Co’s must address unsafe ‘‘and ‘’ to ensure safety
Incident scene ‘’’ include:
Accountability systems
- Full ppe
- Mandatory respiratory protection plans
- Training and edu
- Health and wellness sop/g
- NIMS-ics
- Use of control zones
- Pre incident planning
risk controls
NFPA are Orgs that are good sources for current ‘’’ 162
injuries and fatality
Exs of ‘’’ Acts
- free Lancing
- absence of fire ground Accountability
- uncoordinated Attack vent
- failure to maintain Crew integrity
- improper Communications
- inconsistent fire ground ops
- lack of’ ppe
- lack of sitational Awareness
- no rehab
exs of unsafe condtions :
- zero ‘’
- unsafe ‘’
- rapidly moving’’
- toxic ‘’ in smoke
- hostile’’
- unstable ‘’
Volatile organic compands ( VOC) and Polycyclic Hydrocarbobs ( PAHs) can penetrate ‘’ and become a ‘’ hazard
skin absorption p. 163
Many ‘’’ can be prevented through
- Apparatus design and maintenance
- driver/operator training and certs
- incident analysis to identify contribution and causal factor
ex’s of unsafe acts
- driving to fast/in bad conditions like snow rain
- no seat belt
- to close to other drivers
- ignoring traffic laws
- lack of vehicle maintenance
Unsafe weather conditions during response x4
- weather
- poor roads
- pedestrians on roads
- traffic p. 164
non emergency Casualties:-
fatalities or injuries that occur while performing adm dutie :
- T ‘’
- code ‘’
- M’’
- non incident ‘’
- training
- code enforcement
- maintenance
- non incident related situation
best method for providing a safe workplace is
proper maintenance
Co’s should be able to recognize and address unsafe acts :
- not using ‘’ for wet surfaces
- improper use of ‘’ things
- H’’
- brining ‘’ into living areas
not using warning signs for wet surfaces
- improper use of power tools/ lifting things
- horseplay
- brining contaminated equipment into living areas p. 165
Unsafe acts within Facilities :
- not enough ‘’
- wet’’
- '’walk ways
- lack of ‘’
- blocked’’
- fire door’’
- not enough light
- wet floors
- slippery/icy walk ways
- lack of routine maintenacce
- blocked exits
- fire door propped open
at any time Cos can be asked to conduct safty inspections of :
at any time Cos can be asked to conduct safety inspections of
- equipment
- Vehicles
- Facilities p. 166
Cardiovascular disease remains leading cause of firefighter ‘’’’
Cancer and behavioral health are also emerging issues..
Orgs ‘’’ prgrams include:
- info on emergency /non safety practices
- overall wellness
- inspections, and accident investigations
p. 167
safety, health and wellness
WHAT ‘’’ practices include :
- risk mngt plans
- accident, injury and illness prevention programs
- investigation/review process
- safety and health programs
- medical exposure prog
- rehabs
Safety, health AND wellness
what ‘’ is process of identify and analyzing exposure to hazards, selecting right techs ,implementing techs and monitoring results of those techs
what ‘’ evaluates risk and hazards that affect Org and provide control measures to reduce the frequency, severity and probability of a negative event
organizational risk MNGT
what ‘‘assess risk and hazards FF face while performing ops, includes how to eval risk
operational risk MNGT
RISK CONTROL MEASURES can be divided into :
Administative controls :
- ‘’
- ‘’ progs
- ‘’ and ‘’
- ‘’ and’’
Engineering Controls :
- safety’’
- mechanical’’
- lockout’’
- ‘’
- ‘’ design
Administative controls :
- sops/gs
- health, safety and wellness progs
- traing and edu
- regs and standards
Engineering Controls :
- safety features
- mechanical ventilation
- lockout tagout
- TOOLS And equip design
p. 168
5 Distinct components of organizational risk MNGT
- Risk Identification
- Evaluation
- ESt of priorities for action
- Risk control tech
- Risk mngt monitoring
what is conducted in the community, within the org and within the operational setting at emergency and no emergency incidents
risk identifications
evaluated on their probability and potential for negative consequences, including the anticipated severity and frequency of occurrence
risk evaluation
determined by ranking the identified risks on the degree of severity and frequency
est. of priorities for action