Chapter 7 Flashcards
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
ADA - US legislation passed in 1992 requiring public buildings (offices, hotels, restaurants, etc.) to make adjustments meeting minimum standards to make their facilities accessible to individuals with physical disabilities.
Complete Meeting Package (CMP)
CMP - An all inclusive plan offered by conference centers; includes lodging, all meals and support services.
Congress Center
A facility, outside the US, whose purpose it is to host trade shows, public shows, convention and other large functions; it combines exhibition space with a substantial number of smaller meeting and event spaces.
Convention Center
Facility whose purpose it is to host trade shows, public shows, conventions and other large functions and that combines exhibition space with a substantial number of smaller meeting and event spaces. A convention center may be purpose-built or converted and municipally or privately owned.
Ie - MCP: has exhibit space AND meeting space
An interactive table of contents used in project management when communicating with multiple parties via the internet.
Destination Management Company (DMC)
A professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specializing in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics.
Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)
A not-for-profit organization defined and recognized by it’s incorporated local government entity as the representative organization responsible for promoting the economic development of their community through travel and tourism. DMOs assist planners by providing info on local resources and services, including site selection, preconference/post convention services.
An electronic document (RFP) that stipulates what services the organization wants from an outside contractor and requests a bid to perform such services.
Event Manager (EM)
The individual that coordinates all of the meeting’s needs before during and after the meeting.
Exclusive Service
Contractor appointed by event or venue management as the sole agent to provide specific service or products.
Face-to-Face Meeting
A gathering of people in a common location for the purpose of learning, transacting business or socializing.
GAP Analysis
A project management tool to help determine what needs to be accomplished in order to meet the outcomes; also known as a discrepancy analysis.
High Season
Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or service is highest. Prices general increase in high season. (Peak Season)
In-house Service
An adjective used to define services which are performed within the company or organization, rather then being subcontracted.
Low Season
Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or services is lowest. Prices generally decrease in low season. (Value Season)
Meeting Environment
The space in which people gather for a meeting.
Meeting Experience
Term that emphasizes the holistic effects of the meeting on the attendee, including the emotional and intellectual effects of the meeting.
Meeting Structure
In the meeting industry, the public name for the meeting is based on the structure, ex - institute, convention, symposium, etc.
Program Component
One of several building blocks of the meeting concept; focuses on delivering specific outcomes and results in a cohesive program for attendees.
Program Manager
An individual who manages a variety of projects, other activities, employees and resources which are interrelated and often interdependent.
Program Outcome
The anticipated results from the learning that attendees will achieve through program attendance.
What do we want them to learn?
A temporary and unique product, service or initiative. From the perspective of the meeting industry, a project could be any meeting or event that meets the basic definition.
Project Charter
A document that strikes a project exists and provides the project manager with written authority to being work; it details the project goals, roles and responsibilities, primary stakeholders and the level of authority for a project manager.
Project Management (PM)
The process of planning, organization, directing and controlling resources for a project.
Project Team
A group of individuals, usually managers, who represent internal departments, functions or offices and work together to achieve the project objectives.
Shoulder Season
Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or services is neither high nor low. (High Season)
A business term referring to procurement practices such as identifying, qualifying and selecting potential providers of products and services.
Attendee Profile
Describes attendee needs and includes accomodations for person’s with disabilities.
Application Service Provider (ASP)
A company that provides software to customers through the internet using centralized servers owned and managed by the provider.
Ie - Gmail
A proposal submitted by a convention & visitors bureau and/or hotel(s) or other suppliers to an event organizer that includes detailed specifications (such as dates, rates, concessions, etc.)
Conference Center
A facility that provides a dedicated environment for events, especially small events. May be certified by the international association of conference centers.
Ie - Rosemont: Ricardo’s area
Demands on project management like, challenges, restrictions and shortages. IE - time, cost, performance.
Convention & Visitor’s Bureau (CVB)
A not-for-profit organization, defined and recognized by its incorporated local government entity as the representative organization responsible for promoting the economic development of their community through travel & tourism. CVBs assist planners by providing information on local resources & services, including site selection, pre/post conference
Critical Path
Chain of activities that must begin on time and stay on track in order to achieve project milestones and ultimately execute the project on time.
A geographic location where meetings or events are held.
Event Profile
Description of event including hosting organization, summary and attendee profile.
Floor Plan
1) Scale drawing indicating the placement of exhibit booths and all other features in an exhibit hall
2) Scale drawing of the floor area of a hotel’s event space.
3) Scale drawing of a function room with specific set-up requirements drawn to scale
A type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. GANTT charts illustrate the start & finish dates of the terminal elements & summary elements of a project. Terminal elements & summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. Modern GANTT charts also show the dependency relationships between activities. Can be used to show current schedule status using percent to complete.
Logistics Action Plan
Timeline and plan for getting the meeting into and out of the venue.
Non-Traditional Venues
Historical facilities such as palaces or castles, restaurants, museums and outdoor areas and arenas.
Outside Suppliers
Supplier who is not directly associated with the facility.
Preferred OR Approved Recommended Provider
A small group of vendors recommended by a venue based on the equality of their services, familiarity with the venue and its rules and regulations.
Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)
Companies or individuals specialized in organizing events on behalf of a client organization. - Charges a management fee.
NOT to be confused with DMC
Project Status Report (PSR)
Captures event progress, including such items as registration numbers, confirmed exhibitors and sponsors and financials.
Scope Creep
A subtle process that begins with small adjustments to the project’s original goals and results in the project becoming improperly defined, documents or controlled.
Simultaneous Interpretation
Process of orally translating one language into another while the speaker is speaking.
Ie - transltation, closed captioning, interpretation
Site Inspection
In-person on-site review and evaluation of a venue or location for an event.
Site Management
Refers to all of the details that the event manager must supervise at the venue area, location, property or specific facility to be used for an event. The process starts with site selection and encompasses designing the event layout, managing the event onsite and managing event communication.
Site Plan
A document detailing meeting room assignments and the placement of permanent and temporary, structures within your venue.
Ie - Floorplan diagram
Site Selection
Choosing a venue for an event.
Tourism Office
An organization which exists to promote a city, town, locality or country to groups or individuals as a tourist destination
Traffic Flow
1) Movement of people through an area
2) A supposed or directed path that attendees will take through an exhibition
Universal Design
Design of products, environments, programs and services usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. It does not exclude assistive devises where needed.
1) Site or destination of meeting, event or show
2) Location of performance such as hall, balroom, auditorium, etc.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
An organized framework identifying the tasks, responsibilities and time frame required to complete a project.
Ie - Project Timeline
Complimentary items provided by a hotel in sleeping rooms such as toiletries, writing supplies, bathrobes, fruit baskets and shoe shine mitts.