Chapter 6 Flashcards
The difference between the actual number of sleeping rooms picked up (or f&b covers or revenue projections) and the number or formulas agreed to in the terms of the facility’s contract. Usually there is an allowance shortfall before damages are assessed.
Cancellation Clause
Provisions in a contract which outlines damages to be paid to the non-canceling party if cancellation occurs, due to the canceling party’s breach of the contract.
Communication Matrix
Determining what needs to be communicated, to whom, who is doing the communication, when and how often, how and why for various communication situations.
- Who will communicate it?
- What needs to be communicated?
- When and how often?
- How and why?
An agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to do or not do something and a right to performance of the other’s duty or a remedy for the breach of the other’s duty.
Contract Addendum
Modification to the original document by adding information.
Any event that is, or is expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society.
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.
Due Diligence
The process of asking reasonable questions to assist in developing a risk-management plan appropriate to the organization and the meeting/event; this also applies to developing a contract for the meeting/events.
1) The action or right of going or coming out
2) A place or means of going out:exit
“they egressed the area by heading south”
1) An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action
2) An urgent need for assistance or relief.
Event Specifications Guide (ESG)
The preferred term for a comprehensive document that outlines the complete requirements and instructions for an event. This document is typically authored by the event planner and is shared with all appropriate vendors as a vehicle to communicate the expectations of services for a project.
Force Majeure
An event (ex - war, labor, strike, extreme weather or other disruptive circumstances) or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or avoided.
Indemnification Clause
A contract clause in which one party agrees to pay damages or claims that the other party may be required to pay to another. For example, if a hotel is sued by an attendee that is injured at an event due to the fault of the group, an indemnification clause might require the group to pay back the hotel. Some times law requires one party to indemnify another event without specific clause.
The efforts taken to reduce or minimize the risks at a meeting/event that have been predicted to have a potential impact on the organization.
Failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.
Phone Tree
Telephone information system that speaks to the caller with a combination of fixed-voice menus in real time. The caller can respond by pressing phone keys or speaking words or short phrases. These key presses can register information or route calls based on the programmed responses.
Reasonable Prudent Person
An individual who uses good judgement or common sense in handling practical matters. The actions of a person exercising common sense in a similar situation are the guide in determining whether an individual actions were reasonable.
Additional clause in a contract stipulating special requirements.
Expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm or loss.
Risk Management
Recognizing the possibility of injury, damage or loss and having a means to prevent it or provide insurance.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Documented standards, policies and procedures.
A requirement for entering into a binding contract. If a contract proposal (offer) is made, it is accepted if the offeree signs the offer is submitted. If the offeree makes any changes to the offer before signing, it is a counter offer, not acceptance.
Act of God
An extraordinary natural event such as extreme weather, flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquake or similar natural disaster that cannot be reasonably foreseen or prevented over which a contracting party has no reasonable control, making performance of the contract illegal, impracticable or impossible. Thus the parties have no legal responsibility to continue performance of the contract.
Actual Damages
Also compensatory damages compensate for actual injury or loss.
Authorized Signatory
A person who is authorized to legally bind an individual or organization to a contract to sign checks on behalf of an organization or charge to an organization’s master account.
Cancellation/Interruption Insurance
Insurance that protects an event organizer against financial loss or expenses incurred when contractually specified perils necessitate canceling or relocating an event, or cause a reduction in attendance.
Legal qualification; competency power or fitness, eg - a person’s capacity and authority to enter into a contract may be questioned.
Condition of Premises
A contract clause that addresses the issue of the property’s condition and any material deterioration or damage to the facility that occurred between the time of the contract was signed and the commencement of the event. It may provide remedies or procedures to apply in the event of a change in condition rarely used for short-term booking.
The inducement to a contract. The cause, motive, price or impelling influence which induces a contracting party to enter a contract.
Crisis Response Team
An individual or group of individuals who respond to an emergency or crisis for the purpose of managing the situation and identifying and engaging the appropriate resources.
Cut-off Date
Designated date when a hotel will release any unsold sleeping rooms in a group block and make them available to the general public. The date is typically 3-4 weeks before the event.
General Liability Insurance
An insurance policy that provides protection against claims involving bodily injury & property damage to third parties.
A source of danger or vulnerability causing concern for the safety and security of individuals or property.
Letter of Agreement (LOA)
Contract - Document outlining proposed services, space or products which becomes binding upon signature by authorized representatives of both parties. It lists services, food, beverages and so forth.
A legal responsibility for an incident or monetary responsibility for services rendered.
Liquidated Damages
An amount of money the parties of a contract designate during negotiations for the injured party to collect as compensation upon a specific breach of the agreement.
A series of discussions between the buyer and seller that result in a contractual arrangement.
To neglect to carry out an agreement.
A promise, proposal or other expression of willingness to make and carry out a contract under proposed terms with another party which has the ability to accept it upon receiving it. Space & rent proposal from a facility. It may be in the form of a contract or license agreement.
A disease that is prevalent over an entire country or the world.
Professional Liability Insurance
Protection for professionals with a special expertise that is not covered by the general liability insurance of an organization.
Clause protecting a guest holding a confirmed sleeping room reservation who is denied accomodations at the hotel upon arrival and is relocated to another hotel.
Risk Assessment
A process designed to safeguard the organization and various elements of a meeting by minimizing the amount or severity of harmful events that may occur.
Security Contractor (Security Service)
Company hired by exhibit or event management to keep individual exhibits and the entire event floor safe using guards, closed circuit T.V., etc.
A source of danger or vulnerability causing concern for the safety and security of individuals or property; same as hazard.
Waiver Clause
A clause that entitles both parties to take measurements to prevent or reduce loss without prejudice to the rights of either party.