Chapter 10 Flashcards
Line of Sight
A line of vision an observer’s eye (such as an audience) to a distant point (such as a stage).
Meeting Attendee Portal
A virtual gateway that brings many different information resources together for a meeting in an online environment.
Name-Handling Technology
A digitally controlled group discussion system that provides a given-chair-person the flexibility and discretion to control a meeting by identifying the individual and microphone location from a video control monitor.
Near-Field Communication (NFC)
A method for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few centimeters.
Online Community
A virtual community where members communicate over the internet, etabling people with like interests to connect with one another year-round; social media platforms use this format in developing chat rooms, dicussion groups, etc.
Onsite Check-In
Manual or automated assistance for attendee check-in at events, offering convenience and reduced wait times.
1) A designated area within the event highlighting a special product category for marketing and exposure
2) A group presentation of different entities (such as within a single country) for the purpose of generating collective impact.
Priority Points
System of assigning points to exhibiting companies to determine the order in which firms will be allowed to select booth/stand space first for the next event.
Priority rating system.
Quick Response Code (QR)
Easily readable barcodes that when scanned with a QR decoder can be translated into a VRR, a telephone number, a bit of text or other data.
Real Time Webcast
When online activities take place at a designated time they are reserved to as real-time events. A webcast of a keynote presenter that can be watched live over the internet is an example of a real-time event.
1) The process of attaching the cable on a crane to a piece of machinery or equipment.
2) The process for hanging materials or signs
3) The structure to which hanging materials are attached.
Short Message Service (SMS)
A texting messaging service component of phone, web or mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communication protocals to allow fixed line or mobile phone devise to exchange short text messages.
Console with separate channels to control volume and sound quality produced by each microphone.
Streaming Media
A method for delivering audio and video over the web. Streaming refers to the ability of website visitors to access multi-media content without having to download an entire file first.
1) Engineer (technical director) who is switching from camera to camera
2) Panel with rows of buttons that allows switching from one camera or sound source to another.
Trade Fair
An international term for an exhibition.
Trade Show
An exhibition of products and/or services held for members of common or related industry. Not open to the general public.
Exhibition, Gate Show, Public Show, Consumer Show
1) A frame to carry the room of a tent
2) A structure of steel bars used to suspend lighting or other technical equipment over a stage.
3) To tie or bind something tightly
Vertical Exhibition
An exhibition at which products or services being displayed represent one element of an industry or profession.
Virtual Trade Show
Exhibit of products or services that can be viewed over the internet
Encompass all the ways in which people and animals orient themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place. Offering indoor maps for handheld devices is becoming common, as are digital informatoin kiosks.
Ellipsodial (Leko) Light
Type of adjustable spotlight. It is used to light lecterns, signs and areas that need a tightly focused pool of light.
End-Cap Booth
An exhibit space with aisles on (3) sides.
Exhibitor Prospectus
Promotional materials sent to current & prospective exhibitors to encourage participation. It promotes the value of exhibiting in a specific show and contains information about technical points, cost of exhibition, space, floor plan of space and an application for participation.
Extended Header Booth
A linear booth that is 20ft or longer with a center extended header.
Produces a very even light that is soft at the edges & tends to project a soft shadow because the edge of the light is soft.
Ellen - a spotlight employing a single fresnel lens that produces a soft edged beam and usually provided with a spherical reflector and a means to adjust the focus from spot to flood.
The process of using game, social and reputation mechanics to drive desired behaviors at events. Including driving attendees to engage with one another, with exhibitors and with the event brand.
General Services Contractor (GSC)
An organization that provides event management & exhibitors with a wide range of services. Sometimes including but not limited to, distributing the exhibitor manual, installation/dismantle, creating and hanging signage/banners, laying carpet, drayage and providing booth/stand furniture.
Also known as decorator/official service contractor
A pre-cut, etched pattern fabricated from metal or glass that fits in a lighting instrument to form projected light into a shape (logo, graphic, scenery, etc.)
Hybrid Event
A blend of face-to-face meeting & virtual meeting occurring in an internet platform; also known as blended meeting.
Island Booth/Stand
Booth/Stand space with aisles on all four sides
Light-Emitting Diode (LED)
Is a two-lead semiconductor light source. LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light. Sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size and faster switching.
Linear Booth/Stand
In-line display.
Exhibit space that shares one or more borders with neighboring exhibits.
Material Handling Fee
Services performed by GSC that includes delivery of exhibit materials from the dock to assigned space, removing empty crates, returning crates at the end of the event for re-crating & delivering materials back to the dock for carrier loading. It is a two-way charge, incoming and outgoing - drayage or material handling.
1) Audio unit by which sounds signals from all sources feed into one system; allows for dissimilar inputs (mics & line) to be combined and controlled into one output. SOUND BOARD
2) An informal get together to give members of a group an opportunity to meet one another.
Mobile App
Mobile software that is designed to run on a tablet, computers, personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants, smartphones and cellphones.
Monitor or Fold Back Speakers
1) Video or audio device use to maintain a reference on the sound or video that is being putout to the audience. Audio feeds given to performers are also referred to as monitors but do not necessarily represent the sounds sent to the audience - cue channel.
2) Event staff who observe sessions, report on problems & count attendance - session monitor
One-Box Webcast
Device that makes a composition of two images; the camera image with sound and the slides.
On-line Production
The digital technology and labor required for a virtual meeting.
A lamp shaped like an auto-mobile headlight that consists of a tunsten source housed in an enclosed lens, which produces a rectangular beam.
Peninsual Booth/Stand
An exhibit with aisles on three sides.
A pictorial symbol for a word or phrase.
Person or company responsible for the production of something; usually used in reference to a theatrical producer, event producer or an exhibit producer.
Production Team
Group of staff charged with the technical production of the content required for the meeting.
1) Stage furniture, set dressing
2) Articles used by actors, entertainers or speakers.
Radio Frequency Indentification (RFID)
The wireless use of electromagentic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information.
1) Person responsible for machinery uncrating, unskidding, positioning, leveling and reskidding.
2) Skilled labor responsible for attaching signs, banners, truss and other equipment to ceilings.
Secure Digital Certificate
An example file that authenticates the source of financial data, usually for an online credit card transaction.
Stage Manager
Person responsible for running the event on stage.
A non-directional speaker used to increase the very lowest frequencies of things like music or video playback.
When a company tries to sell its product or service on the show floor without permission or consent of the event’s management.
Tech Rehearsal
Run-through of technical aspects of an event such as lighting, sound, special effects, etc.
Technical Director
Person who calls cues from the control room.
Virtual Event
A gathering fo people in an online environment for a common purpose.
Virtual Host
Engage a remote audience; the link between the live & remote event.
An event that broadcasts the audio and/or video portion of a keynote presentation or other educational sessions over the web in real-time or on-demand.
Audience Response System (ARS)
Computer application that enables voting and then collects and displays the results, simplifying decision-making among event participants.
Audio Visual (AV)
Equipment, materials and teaching aids used in sound & visual presentations, such as video projection, monitors, sound, equipment, etc.
Big Data
An accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools.
Short for weblong, a type of website that publishers entries in chronological order, upon which visitors can comment.
Specific exhibit display area assigned by show management to an exhibitor under contractual agreement.
Internationally, the term STAND is used.
Business-to-Business (B2B)
An exhibition offering industry-specific products and services which attendees must qualify to attend based on organizer-definded criteria.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
An exhibition that is open to the public or segments of the public where direct sales and order-taking may take place; an admission fee is often charged.
To hold two related events at the same time and in the same place.
Conventional Speaker System
A series of traditional eletro-acoustic loud speaker used in combination to project sound across a wide area like a ballroom or arena.
Ie - speaker system for Director Party
Creative Director
The person who focuses on the development of the visual messaging; staging and artistic elements of a meeting.
Digital Signage
Signs within meeting facility projected digitally, as opposed to traditional signs on some type of posterboard.
Directional Signage
A sign designed to provide direction that helps attendees move from location to location within a large facility.
E-Poster System
A system that displays digital posters on screens or similar display services in place of traditional printed media.
Event Management Software
Software products that are used in the management of professional and academic conferences, trade and exhibitions and smaller events.
An event at which products, services or promotional materials are displayed to attendees visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to business (B2B) relationships.
Trade Show
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)
Any company other than the designated “official” contractor providing a service to an exhibitor.
Can refer to an install/dismantle company, photographer, florist or any other type of contractor.
A large public show, exhibit or tradeshow; also referred to as an exhibition.
Front of House Audio Engineering (FOH)
Focuses on mixing audio for the audience and most often operates from the middle of the audience or at the last few rows of the audience.
Green Screen
A form of chromakey compositing, or chomakeying, this is a live or post-produced special effect for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (color range). Green is one of the most popular but other choices are blue, orange or purple.
Horizontal Exhibition
An exhibition that displays many types of products and services appropriate to one or more industries.
Image Magnification (IMAG)
Technology by which presenter’s image is projected onto a large screen, allowing large audiences to see details from the stage.
Isolated (ISQ) Camera Feed
The live or recorded video from an individual camera used during an event. The isolated feed is the raw, uncut and unedited video from that single camera.
Lighting Control Console
Desk-Type housing, used to contain the controls required for adjusting production lighting.
Master Control
Line Array Speaker System
A loudspeaker system that is made up of a number of usually identical loudspeaker elements mounted in a line and fed in phase, to create a near-line source of sound.
Admittance - Verification System
System in place to determine attendance by an individual at an event. May include session attendance and amount of time attended.
An electronic device that increases the power of a signal.
The data transmission rate on an information channel such as a telephone line, ISD or ethernet. Higher bandwidth means that images and sound will be transmitted faster for use in video conference or video streaming.
Broadcast Producer
Oversees the broadcast and typically has a background in live sports or live news broadcasts. Will work on the content for the broadcast so the audience has a meaningful and engaging experience.
Securing content, usually video and audio.
The output of a virtual meeting may be 2 images, side and image from camera, etc.
Computer Assisted Drawing (CAD)
The use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD Software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing.
Corner Booth
An exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles, often sold by show managers at a premiums rate.
What are the (3) phases of Design Thinking?
1) Inspiration
2) Ideation
3) Implementation
(5) Principles:
1) Assessment & Evaluation
2) Meaningful Engagement
3) Distributed Learning
4) Collaboration
5) Experience