Chapter 6 terms Flashcards
parties responsible for the separate and lesser offense of assisting a criminal offender to avoid apprehension, pprosexution, or conviction
individuals liable for assisting an offender to avoid arrest, prosecution, or punishment
accessories after the fact
individuals under the common law who assist an individual prior to the commission of a crime and who are not present at the scene of the crime
accessories before the fact
parties liable as principals before and during the commission of a crime
the imposition of vicarious liability on a corporate officer or corporation
corporate liability
the guilt of a party to a crime based on the criminal acts of the primary party
derivative liability
an individual’s presence at the scene of a crime generally doesn’t satisfy the actus reus requirement for accomplice liability
mere presence rule
a person encouraging or facilitating the commission of a crime will be held liable as an accomplice for the crime he or she aided and abetted as well as for crimes that are the natural and probable outcome of the criminal conduct
natural and probable consequences doctrine
statutory rule that parents are responsible for the criminal acts of their children
parental responsibility laws
individuals liable for assisting another to commit a crime
parties to a crime
a conspirator is liale for all criminal acts taken in furtherance of the conspiracy
pinkerton rule
common law term for the actual perpertrator of a crime
principals in the first degree
common law term for individuals who are present at the crime scene and assist in the crime
principals in the second degree
liability for serving or providing alcohol to minors in the event of an accident or injury
social host liability laws
a crime that doesn’t require a criminal intent
strict liability
ordinances that make it an offense to hold a party at which minors are served alcohol
teen party ordinances
holding an individual or corporation liable for a crime committed by another based on the nature of the relationship between the parties
vicarious liability