There are three ways to measure reliability?
the test-retest method, which measures temporal stability;
the alternate-forms method, which measures forms stability; and
the internal consistency method (split-half, K-R 20, and coefficient alpha), which measures item homogeneity.
Split-Half Reliability:
A method to assess the consistency of a test by splitting it into two halves (e.g., odd vs. even questions) and comparing the scores from both halves. If the results are similar, the test is considered reliable.
Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (K-R 20)
A measure of internal consistency reliability for tests with binary (true/false) items. It indicates how well the items on the test are measuring the same construct, with values closer to 1 suggesting better reliability.
Coefficient Alpha (Cronbach’s Alpha):
A statistic used to measure the internal consistency or reliability of a scale or test, especially when there are multiple items. Higher values (typically above 0.7) suggest the items are consistent in measuring the same concept.
Tests can be validated using five approaches:
content, criterion, construct, known-group, and face.
Content: Refers to the specific elements being measured, like aspects of job satisfaction (e.g., pay, work environment).
: A standard or measure used to assess outcomes, such as job performance or employee satisfaction
: An abstract concept being measured, like motivation or leadership, inferred from behaviors.
A method to test if an assessment can differentiate between groups known to differ, such as high vs. low performers.
The apparent validity of a test—how much it seems to measure what it’s supposed to, based on a casual look.
Information about tests can be obtained from such sources as
Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) \
Tests in Print (TIP)
Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY)
is a comprehensive resource that provides reviews of commercially available standardized tests, primarily in psychology, education, and related fields. It offers detailed evaluations of test reliability, validity, and usage.
Tests in Print (TIP)
is a companion resource, listing all known tests published in the United States, along with relevant information like test publisher and purpose. It is essentially a directory of tests, without the detailed reviews found in MMY.
Taylor-Russell Tables:
Estimate the utility (value) of a test based on selection ratio and the validity of the test. It helps to predict how many successful employees will be hired using the test.
Lawshe Tables:
Used for content validation, showing how well a test represents the content domain and the relevance of items in the test.