CHAPTER 6 Racial, Ethnic, Cultural (REC) Identity Attitudes in People of Color: Counseling Implications Flashcards
define racial awakening
previous belief system being challenged by social reality regarding one’s race
what is the CROSS model of Nigrescence
racial, ethnical, and cultural model for the process of becoming black in therapy
define race salience
egree to which race is an important and integral part of a person’s approach to life
what are the 4 stages of the Nigrescence model with 7 subtypes
preencounter (assimilation, miseducation, and anti‐Black), encounter, immersion‐emersion (anti‐White, pro‐Black), and internalization (Black nationalist, biculturalist, and multiculturalist).
define pre encounter stage
living consciously or unconsciously in devaluation of their own blackness and over valuing whiteness.
what are the 3 subtypes to the pre encounter stage
a) preencounter assimilation; (b) preencounter miseducation; and (c) preencounter anti‐Black.
define pre encounter assimilation
prefer to fit into white spaces and be assimilated there rather than identify with their blackness.
define pre encounter miseduation
internalization of negative messages, but can separate one’s identity from one’s racial group
define pre encounter anti black
self hatred of being black (high negative racial salience)
what 2 things happen in the encountr stage
event that challenges previous way of thinking (pre encounter)
begin reinterpreting the world
(starts questioning worldviews)
what happens in the immersion-emersion stage
person leaves their whiteness to enter into their blackness. interanlizes postive aspects of being black. the person becomes anti white and pro black.
what happens in the internaliztion stage
more inner security as cultural identiy is resolved.
what 3 types of identity can result from the internalization stage
black nationalist, bi cultural, multicultural
define black nationalist identity
high black positive race salience
define bi cultural internalization
fusing of blackness and americanness
define multicultural internalization
mutliple identity formation including their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. not just uniquely defined by blackness.
what is the R/CID model
racial, cultural, identity development model. framework for therapists to understand the racial, ethnical, and cultural identity of a client
what are the 5 levels of development of the R/CID model
conformity, dissonance, resistance and immersion, introspection, and integrative awareness
what 4 things does each level describe
the attitude of the person towards themselves, attitude towards others of the same group, attitudes towards others of another oppressed group, attitude towards domininate group
4 parts of the stage of conformity
low race salience (self hate or neutral self attitude)
dislike or neutral towards own group,
dislikes or neutroal to other groups
appreciates white people
4 parts of the dissonance stage
conflict over self deprecitation and group appreciation
struggles to disregard their own group while having shared experiences with them
difficult seeing how other groups are marginalized and still depreciating them likes yet dislikes whites
4 parts of the resistance and immersion stage
appreciates self more
finds more appreciation in own group
empathy towards other minority groups
dislikes whites more
4 parts of introspecion stage
seeks justification in liking racial identity
concerns with appreciating own group as being too generalized
sees others as being judged harshly
sees whites as depreciating others
4 parts of integrative awarenss
appreciates the self
appreciate sown group
appreciates other marginalized groups
some appreciation of whites
define internalized racism
ersons of Color absorb the racist messages that are omnipresent in our society and internalize them (believe the messages of dominant group) - racial self-hatred
what are the 3 most common emotions int he resistance immersion state
guilt, shame and anger (towards self and the oppresor)
what is the major differecne bteween the introspection stage and the conformity stage
a person in either stage may appear to speak out against the overall standings of their group, however, those in the conformity stage do as such from a self-hatred stance, and those in the introspection stage does so in an objective manner that does not depreciate their own group
what is the major sign of the integrative awareness stage
chooses to remove oppression eveyrwhere and sees that it afflict sthe domiant culture negatively as well.
are those in the conformity stage likelty to prefer a white counselor
what is the major work in racial ethnical and cultural identity therapy in the conformity stage
battling self-deception and allowing tha tperson to see who they are and how they are relating to it and why (use alot of psychoeducation)
whom would a person prefer in the resistance immersion stage
a person of a similar race, ethnicity, culture (non white) due to seeing whites as now the enemy
what is the primary tool when working with a clent in the resistance immerstion stage
they will be challenging us to establish trustworthiness so we need to use alot of self-disclosure to be seen as credible
what ar the 3 parts of trustworthiness
sincereity, opennness, being non defensive
what do clients prefer in a therapist during the integrative awareness stage
similarity in attitude to accept and grow in worldview