CHAPTER 6 PT 2 Flashcards
Four theories of Language Development:
Behaviorism Theory:
- by who
- what do infants need to be taught
response from environment does what
what must we do as parents/educators
need to be taught language
e/t we read, speak, listen, sing, explain s/t to the child
(response from environment influences child)
we MUST talk to our INFANTS
the more we talk to them the more they learn
Four theories of Language Development:
what teaches a child to speak?
why do infants communicate?
who are we dependnet on to survive?
what is the focus of early communication?
social context of language =
- thats why what
- social impulses teach a child to speak (fosters language development)
-bc they are social human beings
- we are dependent on one another to survive
- the emotional language of speech, not the words
baby will learn language depedning on the culture they are in
Baby plays w/ a ball and mom says “Ball, you’re playing with a ball”
Behaviorist Theory approach:
baby will associate word w/ toy they’re playing w/
Baby plays w/ a ball and mom says “Ball, you’re playing with a ball”
Social-Progmatic approach
- what can happen sometimes
baby will look @ mom
read her emotions and notice what she is focusing on - looking @ a round object and put 2gether round object = ball
(s/t can read emotions wrong)
Social-Progmatic theory abt why we learn language
Four theories of Language Development:
language =
we do not need to
not a product of
Noam Chancy say we have a what
language =
therefore it must be what
and we all what
social interaction
LAD - Language Acquisition Device within us
too complex to teach step by step
inborn and we all end up learning language
Example of LAD
where do they pick up from?
child will come back from playgroup
mom will ask what they ate
how will child respond
here and there, they start to learn on their own, they have a device within them
language is experience -
no what is required
what need to grow
what needs to strengthen
what need to connect
and what need to eb heard
reinforcement or teaching required
1) dendrites
2)mouth muscles
3) neurons
4) speech
which language they learn =
but speaking,
all children learn to speak
Four theories of Language Development:
Hybrid Theory
what kind of theory?
behaviorism which stage
SP which stage
Inate theory which stage
what do we need to elarn language
combination of all three theories we learnt
each theory of development depends on which stage of development a child is in
- might work for very young children
-slightly older - works for e/o across the board
a lil bit of e/t in order to learn language
Stage one of language development:
Listening and Responding
they what and what\and how do they respond
tehy what and what
what happens with noise
what they learn 2 prefer
will respond to certain what
how they get what they want
what when happy
how will we speak to baby
1) b4 language act happens
ex: they listen and hear and respond accordingly
2) they listen and hear, but if noises become too noisy they learn to tune out
learn to prefer mommys voice
when crying her voice will soothe faster than anyone else
cry to get what they want
coo when happy
we speak suing baby voice - high pitched and slowly
Stage Two of language development:
Babling =
what age? ex of babling
what do deaf babys do vs hearing babies
what will they do with hands
age 6-9 months old
dead babies do as well, but once they dont hear after they speak, they stop
while hearing abbies continue on
will do gestures - where it rlly begins
will pint to s/t b4 they speak
Stage Three of language development:
Gradual Beginnings =
Holophase -
Name explosion -
Proto-words ->
diff btwn ababbling n proto words
Lingustic = act saying words
- baby says the words which means smetjing but means a whole paragraph
ex: eat = im hungry
no= dont want ti
mama = wants something from mama - sudden increase in infants vocab happens from 18 months of age
they know things and start naming things in their language - resemble babbling typically repeating same sounding words (baba, dada, mama)
-babbling = words
proto words = s/t concrete
when does cooing happen
whens firts word
12+24 months what happens
by 24 months:
3 year olds:
lil bit older
12 months = first word
1 1/2 - 2
one word sentences
combining two words
3-4 word sentences
what builds vocabulary
what shoudl u describe to child
share what with child
what ur doing
what child is doing
share books and stories
Mastering Two languages
what is crucial
what will bilingual toddlers realize
quantity of speech that child learns in two languages
diff btw languages
adjusting tone, pronunciation and vocab depending who tehy r speaking to
henry = 16 months
points to fridge and says juice
what form of speech is he using?
you believ that children are prewired to learn any language?
whos elanguage theory influenvced your thinking?
an infants first vocal communication