Chapter 2 Flashcards
Developmental Theory
- a group of
- framework abt
- what
a group of assumptions/ideas we make abt human growth
framework abt how or why ppl do what they do
what affects our education, our growth
status of theories
neither good or bad
what theories do? (4 things)
1) produce hypothesis
2) provides discovery
3) offer practical guidance
4) allow us and give us the norms
(out of norms we will question(
delve into past to understand current behaviour
what did freud discover
early childhood = crucial for development = shapes who u r
Personality divided into which 3 parts
1) ID
2) Super Ego
3) EGO
unconscious part of you (basic bodily needs)
selfish part of you
Super EGO
moral conscience
concept of self
freud believes we act bc of our
first stage of life according to Erikman
trust v mistrust
2nd stage of life according to Erikman
independence v doubt (if not allowed to hv indolence will always hv doubt)
3rd - 5th stage of life according to Erikman
initiative v guilt
interact w/ other kids, imitate activities
if s/o says no can create sense of guilt
6th yr - puberty stage of life according to Erikman
industry v inferiority (doubt of abilities)
peer group becomes child self esteem
e/t has to do w/ friends
what happens in adolescence
if it goes well
if not
becoming independent from adults
develop relationships
develop identity
will nvr have healthy self-esteem
if u want psychology to be a true science hv to see and measure behaviour
Pavlov’s way to measure growth and development
classical conditioning
(hint pavlov has an l and so does classical conditioning)
classical conditioning
learning process by which person conditioned to associate neutral stimulus as meaningful
to the point will automatically associate neutral w/ meaningful
pavlov experiment
trained dog to salivate at the ringing of bell
what does BF Skinner say abt behaviourism
what kind of conditioning
behaviour stops by its own consequences or continues
operant conditioning
reinforcement neg + pos
ex of bad opernat conditioning
kicking kid out if acting out
wanted to leave
positive and neg reinforcement
s/t added
s/t removed
behaviour increases =
behaviour decreases =
when kid acting up
usually wants to get kicked out or attention
what to do
ignore and compliment positive
inhertintely good
want to learn
hv to know how to teach
id not gonna lose students
hv to look @ child as a whole
Bandura (what experiment)
social learning = modelling
children learn from behaviour around them
bobo doll = Bandura (1961) conducted a controlled experiment study to investigate if social behaviors (i.e., aggression) can be acquired by observation and imitation.
Aggressive model is shown to 24 children
Non-aggressive model is shown to 24 children
No model is shown (control condition) – 24 children
is it OC, CC, or SL
- Tommy cleaned room, mom praised him, Tommy cleans room Nxt time w/o being told
Operant conditions
is it OC, CC, or SL
whenever Sallys mom bakes cookies wears red apron
sally sees red aprons = gets excited bc mommy is making cookies
Classical conditions
is it OC, CC, or SL
Tyson saw a friend throw tantrum until he got what he wanted
Tyson wanted to go bed to later = throws tantrum
social learning
is it OC, CC, or SL
holly @ beach, sun = shining and hurting her eyes
wears sunglasses = eyes feel better
next time sun out = wears glasses
Pyschoanalytic theory v Behaviorism on THE UNCONCIOUS
PT: emphasizes unconscious
B: is unknowable - cant measure
Pyschoanalytic theory v Behaviorism on Observable Behavior
PT: Behaviors are symptoms
B: only concerned abt actions
Pyschoanalytic theory v Behaviorism on Childhood
PT: wtvr happened to you when you were younger lingers throughout life`
B: can change our behavior, use reinforcements
Pyschoanalytic theory v Behaviorism on Scientific Status
PT: most aspects of human development = beyond scientific research
B: a true science
Cognitive Theory
By who?
what does it state?
development based on thought process
thought shape our behaviours
how children think is more telling than what children know
need to know how children think in order to understand their development
Piaget stages of cognitive development:
Birth - 2
Sensorimotor uses senses to understand world around them
object permane, object still exists when out of sight
Piaget stages of cognitive development:
Preoperational = language to understand world thinking = EGOcentric
imagination flourishes + language
Piaget stages of cognitive development:
concrete operational thinking limited ti what see hear and experience
object however big or small remain the same
Piaget stages of cognitive development:
formal operational
think abstractically
can discuss thing you cant hold
not limited to language and concrete items
Piaget: Cognitive Equilibrium
when something new we either assimilate or accommodate
whatever we do, we end up with a new equilibrium
whats assimilate
whats accommodate
experiences are interpreted to fit into old idea
old ideas are restructured to include new experiences
Socio-CUltural Theory
founded by who?
what does it say?
we learn new things and develop based on social interaction
Socio-CUltural Theory - Vygotsky
Zone of Proximal Development
little place between what students know vs dont
gonna teach them in their zone - not too hard and not too easy
what they can understand with guidance
Guidance =
Scaffolding =
support teachers provide learner
we help them in their zone
n/t too easy and n/t too hard
wtvr they learn becomes s/t they alr know
Humans have same basic needs and drive
What are the five basic needs
1) physiological (hunger, thirst, air, shelter)
2) safety (need to feel safe)
3) love and belonging (family friends)
4) good self esteem
5) personal growth and fulfillment
satisfaction of childhood needs =
has to be from bottom to top
if needs are not met
might grow up to be thieves and robbers
adults deprived at young age of love
might be selfish and antisocial
we need certain things to
become who we are meant to be
five prospectives on human development
1) Psychoanalytic Theory
2) Behaviorism
3) Cognitive
4) Sociocultural Theory
5) Human
Psychoanalytic Theory
Area of Focus
Fundamental action of what people do
Nature v Nurture
1) unconscious
2) battle unconcious
3) Nature
Area of Focus
Fundamental action of what people do
Nature v Nurture
1) conditioning through stimulus
hv to measure and see behavior
2) learn to change behavior to achieve desire goal based on reward and punished
3) Nurture
Cognitive Theory
Area of Focus
Fundamental action of what people do
Nature v Nurture
1) thoughts shape our behaviour
2) we see 2 understand experiences while forming concepts and strategies
3) Nature
Sociocultural Theory
Area of Focus
Fundamental action of what people do
Nature v Nurture
1) picking up behaviours based on surroundings
2) learn skills through apprenticeships
3) Nurture