Chapter 6: Other African Cultures Flashcards
What was the name given to Africa until about the 19th century?
the dark continent
What is a vast piece of land characterized by wet and dry seasons?
What is Africa’s longest mountain range? Largest mountain?
Atlas Mts. ; Mt. Kilimanjaro
What is the worlds longest river?
What is Africas largest lake? What is the worlds longest lake?
Lake Victoria; Lake Tanganika
What is the largest rift in the earths surface?
Great Rift Valley
What area was called Phut, Put, or Libya in the Bible?
the Sahara
What is the greatest ancient civilization in Africa’s interior?
Kingdom of Cush
Who began a period of Sudanese rule over Egypt?
What was the land of Cush called in ancient time?
Nubia or Ethiopia
Who helped the prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison?
Who was the most famous Cushite in world history and the first African on record to become a Christian?
Ethiopian eunuch
What is one of the most mountainous regions in Africa?
What was the name of modern Ethiopia?
Who brought Ethiopia the gospel about AD 300?
Edesius and Frumentius
Name the cities that were important and influential centers of Christianity
Alexandria, Cyrene, and Carthage
Who carried Jesus’ cross?
Simon of Cyrene
Which early church fathers from Carthage were martyrs for the faith?
Tertullian and Cyprain
Alexandria was home to what two theologians?
Clement and Origen
What is the oldest surviving Christian hymn?
“Shepard of Tender Youth”
Who were the two greatest North African Christians?
Athanasius and Augustine
What empire dominated trade across the Saraha between AD 300-1200
Ghana Empire
What empire rose after Ghana and ruled from AD 1200-1500?
Mali Empire
Who was the greatest ruler of the Mali Empire? What famous city did he make?
Mansa Musa; Timbuktu
what was the third great African kingdom?
Songhai empire
Who possessed more power and wealth than any other west African rulers?
Askia the great
Under what kingdom did present Nigeria reside?
Kingdom of Benin
Who extended the boundaries of the kingdom of Benin in the 1400s and is remembered in oral histories as the greatest ruler of Benin?
King Ewuare
What is the belief that natural objects in forces are inhabited mean by mostly malignant spirits?