Chapter 6 Life Situation Interventions: Intrapersonal Flashcards
stress diary should include …
- stressors for the day
- reactions to each stressor
- means of coping with each stressor
- better means of coping that might have been attempted
- relaxation techniques tried that day
- effectiveness of these relaxation techniques
- sensations during the day
people who have low self esteem, those who feel badly about their physical selves, may take drastic measures to improve their bodies which can lead to…
anorexia nervosa
eat either too little or too much of the recommended foods or you ingest some nutrients in inappropriate amounts
healthy eating pattern is..
variety of veggies fruits grains fat free or low fat dairy variety of protein
limits saturated fats and trans fat
substitute monounsaturated fats like PB or polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oil for ….
saturated fats
people are more prone to cancer if their diets are..
low in fiber, or high in saturated fats
to prevent cancer diets should be …
low in fats, high in fiber, and high in vitamins A and C
how many servings of fruits and veggies a day?
how many people worry about weight all the time?
Bmi should be between
18.5 and 24.9
how many suffer from eating disorder?
20 million women and 10 million men
food substances that produce a stress like response also called sympathomimetics
ex cola, coffee, tea and chocolate that have caffeine
they increase metabolism, make you alert and release stress hormones
a deficiency in vitamins b and c can result in…
anxiety, depression, insomnia, muscular weakness and upset stomach
you can get vitamin b from…
eating cereals, green leafy veggies, liver and fish
you can get vitamin c from…
citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes
sugar is a …
stress culprit
must use vitamin b to break down sugar
low blood sugar
ingesting large amounts of sugar in short time or missing meals and then ingesting sugar over period of time can lead to this
how much salt a day?
no more than 5,000 mg which is 2,000 milligrams of sodium
ways to reduce stressors In diet
eat balanced diet limit saturated fats add cruciferous veggies limit alcohol be more realistic about weight limit intake of caffeine vitamins limit sugar limit processed flour limit sodium
noise can…
raise blood pressure increase heart rate lead to muscle tension related to job dissatisfaction results in irritation and anxiety result in sleep disturbance, headaches and hypertension
noise is measure in…
at what decibels does stress responses develop?
what decibel can cause hearing damage?
90 and above
to reduce noise levels…
use ear plugs
sit as far away from bands
learn to enjoy listening to music at home
put drapes of windows to prevent car noise
choose acoustical tile for ceilings and walls
use carpeting
keep noise making appliances away from bedroom
select homes away from airports, businesses, etc
white noise
purpose is to drown out other sounds that may interfere with relaxation
a word that is the focus of meditation
holmes and rahe developed what?
the social readjustment rating scale to calibrate the influence of stress on your health
social support
the presence of significant others with whom to discuss stressors
daily interactions with the environment that are essentially negative
positive events that make us feel good