Chapter 6 - Adaptations to Aerobic Endurance Training Programs Flashcards
The final passages in the respiratory system where gases are exchanged from the lungs.
Anatomical dead space
the area not functional for gas exchange (trachea, nose, mouth)
Arteriovenous oxygen difference
the difference in O2 content of arterial and venous blood
Blood doping
The process of artificially increasing red blood cell mass
Low heart rate
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in liters per minute.
The partial or complete loss of training-induced adaptations in response to an insufficient training stimulus
The phase of heart contraction after blood has been pumped before the heart is filled
Diastolic blood pressure
the pressure exerted on arterial walls when no blood being ejected
The movement of gasses across a membrane based on their partial pressures (O2 and CO2 in the case of the alveoli and capillaries)
Double product
The product of stroke volume and heart rate that results in the cardiac output value also known as the rate-product
Ejection fraction
the fraction of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected during heart contraction
End-diastolic volume
Volume of blood in the left ventricle after filling phase
Performance-enhancing substance that increases red blood cell production
Fick equation
used to calculate oxygen uptake
- VO2 = Q x a-vO2 difference
Frank-Starling mechanism
the principle that increased end-diastolic volume stretches myocardial fibers resulting in more forceful contraction and increased systolic ejection
Functional overreaching
Short period of intensified training
Heart rate
the number of heartbeats per minute (BPM)
Hyperoxic breathing
Increased pulmonary ventilation at rest and during exercise
Maximal heart rate
the maximum heart rate attainable via exercise
Maximal oxygen uptake
The maximum amount of oxygen that can be used by the body
Mean arterial pressure
average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle
Metabolic equivalent
.5ml O2 per minute per - typical resting O2 consumption
Minute ventilation
The volume of air breathed per minute
Organelle of cells that facilitates aerobic metabolism
a protein that transports oxygen within the muscle cell
Nonfunctional overreaching
An extended period of excessive training beyond FOR
Increased training volume and intensity over extended periods. Can be functional or nonfunctional
A continuum of responses to intensified training without proper recovery
Overtraining syndrome (OTS)
Serious drop in performance and other markers associated with long periods of excessive volume and intensity without recovery
Oxygen uptake
the amount of oxygen consumed by body tissues
Physiological dead space
Area of the respiratory system that does not allow gas exchange due to damaged alveoli
Rate-pressure product
The product of stroke volume and heart rate that results in the cardiac output value
Stroke volume
The amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat
Contraction phase of a heartbeat
Systolic blood pressure
pressure during contraction
Planned reduction of training volume that occurs before competitive or as a part of a recovery microcycle
Tidal volume
the volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each breath
Tightening of veins or arteries to reduce blood flow
Enlargement of veins or arteries to allow increased blood flow
Venous return
The amount of blood returning to the heart
Ventilatory equivalent
The ratio of the volume of air ventilating the lungs to the volume of oxygen consumed