Chapter 19 - Program Design and Technique for Speed and Agility Training Flashcards
The rate at which an object’s velocity changes over time
The skills and abilities needed to change direction, velocity, or mode in response to a stimulus
Change of direction
The skills and abilities needed to explosively change movement directions, velocities, or modes
Complex training
Training methodology involving high-intensity resistance training followed by plyometrics
Vector quantity representing a “push” or “pull” relationship between two objects that results in acceleration
Ground preparation
Phase of sprinting where the stance leg drives down into the ground
The product of the magnitude of force applied and the duration of force application
The relationship between the mass of an object and the velocity of movement
Strategic manipulation of athlete’s preparedness through sequences training phases defined by cycles and stages of workload
Postactivation potentiation
Increased force production capability in muscles from recent previous activity
Rate of force development (RFD)
A measure of the time it takes to produce force, often used as an index for explosive strength
Phase of sprint where the swing leg is brought forward for the next stride
Scalar value of the rate an object covers a distance
Spring-mass model (SMM)
Model of sprinting that views sprinting as the compression of springs in the body (ankles, knee, and hip joints) followed by rapid expansion to produce force and displace the body down the track
A series of coupled flight and support phases orchestrated in an attempt to displace the athlete’s body down the track at maximal acceleration or velocity
The ability of the body and muscles to produce force
Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
Cycle of rapid stretching of muscles and tissues followed by rapid mechanical and neurological contraction of the tissues - generally thought to be a combination of elasticity of joints and muscles and the stretch-reflex response
Vector quantity that describes the speed and direction an object is moving - can be positive or negative