chapter 6 & 7 Flashcards
2 most important lifesaving skills:
Airway Care
Rescue Breathing
The CAB’s consist of:
- circulation
- airway
c. breathing
Correct the Blocked Airway
- Head Tilt-Chin Lift Maneuver
- Jaw Thrust Maneuver
Jaw Thrust Maneuver
a. Use if you suspect a neck injury
b. Place the patient on his or her back.
c. Place your fingers behind the lower jaw and move the jaw forward
d. Tilt the head back to a neutral or slight sniffing position
e. Use your thumbs to keep the patients tongue and lower jaw from blocking the
Check for Fluids, Foreign Bodies, or Dentures
- Potential blocks include:
a. Secretions such as vomitus, mucus, or blood
b. Foreign objects such as candy, food or dirt
c. Dentures or false teeth - If you find anything in the patient’s mouth, remove it
- If the mouth is clear, consider using an airway device
Oral Airways
Used to maintain a patient’s airway
Oral Airways Used for unconscious patients who:
(1) Are breathing
(2) Are not breathing
(3) Do not have a gag reflex
Oral airways should be used
ventilating a patient and used with mechanical
breathing devices
Nasal Airways
used in both conscious and unconscious patients who are not able to maintain an open airway.
- The airway is then fully inserted when the flange or trumpet rests against the patient’s
- This airway should not be used on patients with head trauma.
Adequate Breathing
look, listen and feel technique
a. LOOK for the chest to rise and fall
b. LISTEN for the sounds of air passing into and out of the patient’s nose and
c. FEEL the rise and fall of the chest.
- Normal adults have a resting breathing rate of 12 to 20 breaths per minute.
Inadequate Breathing
- Noisy respirations, wheezing or gurgling
- Rapid or gasping respirations
- Pale or blue skin
Oxygen cylinders
used by most EMS systems are either D or E size
- should last for at least 20 minutes.
is compressed to 2,000 psi and stored in portable cylinders
Pressure regulator/flowmeter
a. Single unit attached to the outlet of the oxygen cylinder
b. Can be adjusted to deliver oxygen at a rate of 2 to 25 L/min
c. A gasket ensures a tight seal
Nasal cannula
a. used to deliver medium concentrations of oxygen
b. Delivers low-flow oxygen at 2 to 6 L/min and in concentration of 35% to 50%
c. Adjust the liter flow to 2 to 6 L/min and then apply the cannula to the patient.