Chapter 6 Flashcards
Natural philosophy
New ideas/methods of science
Heliocentric universe
Sun in the center of the universe
Challenged scholasticism and Late Medieval philosophy
The scientific revolution
Process that established the new view of the universe
Transferred Ptolemaic model to heliocentric
Farther the planets are from sun= longer revolution
Who introduced geocentrism?
What did Ptolemy write
What motion did Ptolemy believe the planets moved in
Epicycle (small circles)
Against Copernicus’s system
Mercury + Venus= around Sun
Moon+Sun+Other planets= around Earth
Brahe’s assistant
Believed in heliocentricity
Elliptical movement
Book: The New Astronomy
Telescope to heavens
Starry Messenger &a Letters on Sunspots
Made Copernicus’s system popular
Planets move through GRAVITY
Opposed rationalism
One must observe phenomena before attempting to explain them
World is seen mechanically as an image of a clock
Moves away from divinity
Natural knowledge
Path toward physical improvement of human beings through manipulation of nature
Francis Bacon
Father of empiricism and experimentation in science (unearned) Books: 1. The advancement of learning 2. Novum organum 3. The new Atlantis Attacked Scholasticism
René Descartes
Analytic geometry
Deductive reasoning
1. Discourse on Method
2. Meditations
Discourse on Method
Reject scholasticism
Vernacular: French
Deduction and rationalism
Thomas Hobbes
Most original philosopher
History of Peloponnesian War: English translation
Humans are self centered and egotistical
John Locke
Most influential Criticized absolutism Forced to flee to Holland w Charles II Treatise of Government (trustworthy) Humans are creatures of reason and good will
John Locke’s most influential book
Essay concerning Human Understanding
Reason and Revelation
Mind is a block tablet at birth
Most famous institution
Royal Society of London
Berlin Academy of Science
Made in 1700
Germany slowly recovering from 30 years war
People eager to sell ideas of improvement to highest bidder
Queen Christina of Sweden
Only exception to rejection of women to science
Brought Descartes to Stockholm
Margaret Cavendish
Only woman allowed to enter Royal Society in London
Maria Winklemann
Husband and wife make astronomical team
Application to continue individual work as widow was rejected
Emilie du Châtelet
Aided Volataire
Translated Principia by Newton to French
Galileo Condemption
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres placed in Index of Prohibited Books
Blaise Pascal
Ally to Jansenist
Against reason
Francis Bacon
Bible and Nature= divine revelation
Deeper understanding
John Ray
God made humans to improve the world
Sabbats: meetings where they filed Old widowed women= target Specific types 1. Widows 2. Midwives 3. Herbalists
Baroque Art
Michelangelo Caravaggio
Sharp contrast of light and darkness
Louis LeNain
French peasant life
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
St Peters Basilica construction and design
Charles I: Banqueting Hall in palace by Peter Paul Rubens
Louis XIV: Versailles (Hall of Mirrors, Sun King)