Chapter 6 Flashcards
Ethnic Religion
What is the largest?
Appeal primarily to one group of people living in one place
What are the next three universalizing religions that are the largest in order based on adherents?
Sikhism 23 mill
Bahai 7 mill
Zoroastrianism 3 mill
Define Branch and give an example
large fundamental division within a religion
Roman Catholic
Define Denomination and give Example
division of a branch
Define Sect and give examples
small splinter group
Sufi Islam
Where are the three dominant branches if Christianity located?
Southwestern- Roman Catholic
Northern Europe - Protestanian
Eastern Europe -
Eastern Orthodox
In which region of the US is the Catholic Church dominant?
In which region are Baptist the dominant?
In which region are Latter-day Saints dominant?
Western and Northeastern US
Where do other muslims live outside the middle east?
Buddhism into 2 main branches?
Mahayana- China, Japan , Kenya (East Asia)
Theravada- Cambodia, Laos, Mynmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand
Southeast Asia
What are the two popular forms of Hinduism?
Vaishnauism- Worshipped the God of Vishnu, a loving god incarnated as Krishna
Sivaism- dedicated to Siva,a protective and destructive god
Confucanism and Daoism
mostly in China
emphasized the importance of correct behavior in everyday life
writings emphasized the mystical and magical aspects of life
spiritual power live in natural world
spirits live in plants and animals (Japan)
US and Israel
belief in one all powerful god
Universalizing Religion
Give 3 Examples
- attempt to be global, to appeal to all people, not just one culture or location
- specify on the founder
Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism
Describe Buddhism and its 2 branches
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama
3 branches:
Thervada- the oldest of branches, believe Buddhism is a full time occupation
to become a good monk one must renounce all worldly gods
Mahayana- emphasizes Buddah later years of teaching and helping others, cites his compassion
Describe Christianity and its 3 branches
Founded by Jesus
Roman Catholic- God conveys his grace through 7 sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Penance, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Helping Sick
Orthodox- accept the 7 sacraments but reject doctrines the Roman Catholic added since 18 century
Protestant- Individuals have primary responsibility for achieving salvation from God, grace is achieved through faith
Describe Islam and its branches
Founded by Muhammad commonly in Iran
(Everywhere else) Shiites: Ali descendants claim leadership of Islam
(North Africa) Sunnis: Anyone who is faithful can have power over Islam
How was Hinduism origin different than universalizing religion?
What two ancient peoples
have blended to form Hinduism?
Did not originate with a specific founder
Aryan Tribe and Dravidian
Give 4 explanations for the diffusion of Christianity?
Hierarchical Diffusion- Elite figure converted Eastern Europe Theodarsius
Relocation Diffusion- missionaries carried Jesus teachings along Roman Empire
Contagious Diffusion- daily contact between believers and nonbelievers
in towns
Expansion Diffusion
Give 3 ways in which Islam spread?
Relocation- diffusion of missionaries to portions of South Africa and South Asia
Intermarriage between nonarabs and Islam
Arab traders brought the religion to trading countries
Give 2 reasons for the diffusion of Buddhism
Sending of missionaries to neighboring territories along the Magadhan Empire
merchants along trading routes introduced Buddhism
How is the distribution of Judaism different from other ethnic religions?
What was the dispora?
Judaism is practiced in many countries not just its place of origin
When the Roman forced Jews to disperse around the world
How were most Jews treated as they lived among other nationalities?
Where did the word ghetto come from?
They prosecuted Jews for living in their midst
Originated during the 16 century in Venice Italy as a reference to a city where Jews were forced to live
Give features of Christian churches
Orthodox- Byzantine style: highly ornate and prominent domes
Protestant- simple with little ornamentation
Northeast US: built of wood
Southeast US: brick
Southwest US: adobe
Latin America: stucco and stone
What is the religious purpose of a Buddhist pagoda?
How was pilgrimage a part of development of pagodas?
Sanctuaries that hold relics of the Buddhas body and clothing
As part of the process of diffusing of the religion, Buddhas carried carried relic and build pagodas around them
Give two symbols present in Christian church architecture?
Reflects both the cultural values of the denomination and the regions architecture heritage
What is a pilgrimage?
a journey to a place considered sacred for religious purposes
Buddhist holy sites:
4 important:
- Lumbini where Buddha was born
- Bodh Gaya where Buddha reached perfect wisdom
- Deer Park where Buddha gave first sermon
- Kusinagara where Buddha died at age 80
4 shrines of Buddhas miracles:
-Sravasti where Buddha recreated multiple images of himself
Islamic Holy Sites:
- Makkah contains holiest objects such as al-Ka’ba
- Al-Ka ‘ba which is a cubelike structure encased in silk that contains a black stone from Gabriel as a sign of covenant
- Masjid al-Haram is Islams largest mosque
- The Well of Zamzam (water that quenched the thirst of Hagar)
- Madinah second holiest, contains tomb of Muhammad
Hindu’s Holiest Sites:
- Holy places are ranked into a hierarchy
- Mt. Kalis is holy because the “God” Shiva lives there
- -The Ganges River is the holiest river in India, supposed to spring forth from the hair of Shiva
- The relative importance of a shrine is established by tradition not doctrine
What is cosmogony?
What is solstice?
Set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe
an astronomical event that happens twice a year resulting in the shortest and longest days of the year
How do other religions bury the dead?
Hindus- cremation: body is washed in Ganges River and burned in a slow fire
Zoroastrians- exposed the dead to scavenging birds and animals
( did not want the dead interfering with the 4 elements)
Micronesian- disposal of bodies at sea
What are some features of religious settlements from Utopian, Salt Lake City, and Puritans
Utopian- built around a religious way of life, buildings are sited, activities integrate religious principals into daily life,
Salt Lake City- regular grid pattern, unusually large boulevards, church related buildings are placed at strategic points
Puritans- New England Settlers, preferred to live near each other, placed the church at the most prominent point in a square
What is the prominent feature on the calendar in Ethnic religions?
What is the prime purpose in the calendar of Universalizing religions?
Celebration of the seasons
Relate major holidays to the events of the founder
How do the Jewish and Muslims calendar differentiate?
Jewish calendar inserts an extra month every few years to match the Ag cycle while the Islam sticks to lunar
Why do different Christian branches celebrate Easter on different days?
Protestant and Roman Catholic branches use the Gregorian calendar, but Orthodox churches uses the Julian calendar
Define Hierarchical Religion
has a well-defined geographic structure and organizes territory into local administrative units
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamic
Describe Autonomous religion
self-sufficient, interaction among communities is a little more than loose cooperation and shared ideas
(absence of a common structure)
Prebystarian, Eliopescal
What holds Islam together?
What is the only form of organization of territory in Islam encase of hierarchical absence
Unity is maintained by a relatively high degree of communication and migration to Makkah, also Islamic doctrine
List the Roman Catholic hierarchy
Diocese of Roman Catholic - Pope
Province -Archbishops
Largest city (Diocese) - Bishops
Parishes - Priests
Define Fundamentalism
Why is it increasing in the world?
Literal interpretation and a strict and intense adherence to basic principals of a religion
A group convinced they are the dominant religion may spatially intrude upon territory of other religious groups
In what ways did the Taliban gov of Afghanistan raise conflict with Western/Modern ideas?
Banned western activities such as watching Tv and surfing the internet
Converted soccer stadiums into execution sites
Homosexuals were buried alive and prostitutes were hung
A. What aspect of Hinduism clashed with Western ideas?
B. What Western groups criticized it and why?
C. How has India responded to the issue?
A. Its rigid caste system
B. Buddhism and Christian missionaries, pointed out the system neglected the untouchables health and economic problems
C. Relaxed the system over the years and now classify untouchables, shudras, and others as “scheduled caste”
How did Czar Peter the Great attempt to limit the influence of the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Made the Russian Orthodox Church a part of the Russian Government,
The patriarch of the Roman Orthodox Church was replaced by a 12-member committee (Holy Synod) picked by the Czar
How did Communism attempt to limit the influence of the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Pursued anti-religious programs Orthodox retained elderly adherents but younger people had little contact with the church Soviets nationalized (controlled)Churches and Mosques, would not give permission to use them
What is happening in present time in Catholic regions after the fall of Communism?
What are 3 other countries in the Catholic regions?
Currently property confiscated by Communist gov are reverted to Church ownership, and attendance to church services increased
What is happening in present time in Muslim regions after the fall of Communism?
What are 3 other countries in the Muslim regions?
Currently, they are struggling to determine the extent to which laws should be rewritten to conform Islamic customs
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
How was the Vietnam war detrimental to Buddhism in Southeast Asia?
U.S air raids destroyed many Buddhist shrines and other shrines were vandalized by Vietnamese and Cambodian Commis
How was Communist regimes detrimental to Buddhism in Southeast Asia?
Discouraged religious activities and permitted monuments to decay
Outline the case study on Religious conflict in Northern Ireland?
- Northern part of Ireland (UK) faces difficulty in sharing power between Protestant and Catholic
- After Ireland became independent, majority voted to remain apart of the Protestant UK rather than Catholic Ireland
- The Catholics in Northern Ireland (UK) have been victimized by discriminatory practices
- Some Catholics joined IRA in North Ireland to fight UK and Protestant (terrorist group)
Outline the case study on Religious conflict in Israel?
- Palestine’s want to completely extinct the Israeli country
- Arabs moved in during the times Jews were absent from Israel
- Israel was created in a region as a Jewish country without Arab consent
- Both want control over Islam