CHAPTER 6 Flashcards
Competitive and cooperative strategies that emphasize improvement of the competitive position of a corporation’s products or services in a specific industry or market segment.
business strategy
The active cooperation of firms within an industry to reduce output and raise prices in order to get around the normal economic law of supply and demand. This practice is usually illegal.
a unifying theme
common thread
The breadth of a company’s or a business unit’s target market
competitive scope
A strategy that states how a company or a business unit will compete in an industry.
competitive strategy
A strategy that states how a company or a business unit will compete in an industry
consolidated industry
Strategies that involve working with other firms to gain competitive advantage within an industry.
cooperative strategies
A low-cost competitive strategy that concentrates on a particular buyer group or geographic market and attempts to serve only that niche
cost focus
A low-cost competitive
strategy that aims at the broad mass market.
cost leadership
A competitive strategy that is aimed at the broad mass market and that involves the creation of a product or service that is perceived throughout its industry as
A differentiation competitive strategy that concentrates on a particular buyer group, product line segment, or geographic market
differentiation focus
differentiation strategy
The first company to manufacture and sell a new product or service
first mover
An industry in which no firm has large market share and
each firm serves only a small piece of the total market
fragmented industry
An independent business entity created by two or more companies in a strategic alliance
joint venture