Chapter 5 Terms Flashcards
A person’s subjective experience of the world and the mind.
The study of how things seem to the conscious person.
Problem of other minds
The fundamental difficulty we have in perceiving the consciousness of others.
Mind-body problem
The issue of how the mind is related to the brain and body.
Cocktail-party phenomenon
A phenomenon in which people tune in one message, even while they filter out others nearby.
Minimal Consciousness
A low-level kind of sensory awareness and responsiveness that occurs when the mind inputs sensations and may output behavioral.
Full Consciousness
A level of consciousness in which you know and are able to report your mental state.
A distinct level of consciousness in which the person’s attention is drawn to the self as an object.
Mental Control
The attempt to change conscious states of mind.
Thought suppression
The conscious avoidance of a thought.
Rebound effect of thought suppression
The tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following suppression.
Ironic processes of mental control
A metal process can produce ironic errors because monitoring for errors can itself produce them.
Dynamic Unconscious
An active system encompassing a lifetime of hidden memories, the person’s deepest instincts and desires, an the person’s inner struggle to control these forces.
A mental process that removes unacceptable thoughts and memories from consciousness and keeps them in the unconscious.
Cognitive Unconscious
All the mental processes that give rise to a person’s thoughts, choices, emotions, and behavior, even though they are not experienced by the person.
Duel Process Theories
Theories that suggest that we have two different systems in our brains for processing information: one dedicated to fast, automatic, and unconscious processing and the other dedicated to slow, effortful, and conscious processing.
Subliminal Perception
Thought or behavior that is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot consciously report perceiving.
Altered State of Consciousness
A form of experience that departs significantly from the normal subjective experience of the world and mind.
Circadian Rhythm
A naturally occurring 24-hour cycle.
REM sleep
A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements and a high level of brain activity.
Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep.
Sleep Apnea
A disorder in which the person stops breathing for brief periods while asleep.
Somnambulism (Sleepwalking)
Occurs when a person arises and walks around while sleeping.
A disorder in which sudden sleep attacks occur in the middle of waking activities.
Sleep Paralysis
The experience of waking up unable to move.
Night Terrors (Sleep Terrors)
Abrupt awakenings with panic and intense emptional arousal.
Activation-Synthesis Model
The theory that dreams ae produced when the brain attempts to make sense of random neural activity that occurs during sleep.
Psychoactive Drugs
Chemicals that influence consciousness or behavior by altering the brain’s chemical message system.
Drug Tolerance
The tendency for larger doses of a drug to be required over time to achieve the same effect.
Substances that reduce the activity of the central nervous system.
Expectancy Theory
The idea that alcohol effects can be produced by people’s expectations of how alcohol will influence them in particular sitations.
Alcohol Myopia
A condition that results when alcohol hampers attention, leading people to respond in simple ways to complex situation.
Substances that excite the central nervous system, heightening arousal and activity levels.
Narcotics (Opiates)
Highly addictive drugs derived from opium hat relieve pain.
Drugs that alter sensation and perception and often cause visual and auditory hallucinations.
Marijuana (Cannabis)
The leaves and buds of the temp plant, which contain a psychoactive drug called tetrahydrocannobinol (THC).
Gateway Drug
A drug whose use increases the risk of the subsequent use of more harmful drugs.
A social interaction in which one person (the hypnotist) makes suggestions that lead to a change in another person’s (the subjects) subjective experience of the world.
Posthypnotic Amnesia
The failure to retrieve memories following hypnotic suggestions to forget.
Hypnotic Analgesia
The reduction of pain through hypnosis in people who are susceptible to hypnosis.