Chapter 5 - States of Consciousness Flashcards
_____ is (are) best defined as an organism’s awareness of its own self and surroundings. (a) Alternate states of consciousness (ASCs); (b) Consciousness; (c) States of consciousness; (d) selective attention
b) consciousness
What are alternate states of consciousness (ASCs)?
Mental states, other than ordinary waking consciousness, found during sleep, dreaming, psychoactive drug use, hypnosis, meditation, and so on.
Controlled processes require _____ attention, whereas automatic processes need _____ attention.
focused, minimal
As you read this text, you should _____. (a) be in an alternate state of consciousness; (b) employ automatic processing; (c) let your stream of consciousness take charge; (d) employ controlled processing
d) employ controlled processing
Biological rhythms that occur on a daily basis are called ______ rhythms.
Jet lag primarily results from _____. (a) sleep deprivation; (b) disruption of the circadian rhythms; (c) the effect of light on the pineal gland; (d) disruption of brain-wave patterns that occurs at high altitudes
b) disruption of the circadian rhythms
The machine that measures the voltage (or brain waves) that the brain produces is _____.
an electroencephalograph (EEG)
Just before sleep onset, brain waves move from _____ waves, indication normal wakefulness, to _____ waves associated with drowsy relaxation. (a) beta, alpha; (b) theta, delta; (c) alpha, beta; (d) sigma, chi
a) beta, alpha
Which of the six common myths about sleep did you previously believe to be factual?
varying answers…
How does the repair/restoration theory of sleep differ from the evolutionary/circadian theory?
Repair/restoration theory suggests we sleep to physically restore our mind and body. Evolutionary/circadian theory says that sleep evolved because it helped conserve energy and provided protection from predators.
Freud believed that dreams were the “royal road to the _____.” (a) therapeutic alliance; (b) psyche; (c) latent content; (d) unconscious
d) unconscious
_____ Theory states that dreams are by-products of random stimulation of brain cells. In contrast, the ______ view suggests dreams serve an information-processing function and help us sift and sort our everyday experiences and thoughts. (a) Biological, learning; (b) Cognitive, wish-fulfillment; (c) Activation-synthesis, cognitive (d) Psychodynamic, infodynamic
c) Activation-synthesis, cognitive
After periods of stress and intense learning, _____ sleep increases.
Following are four descriptions of people suffering from sleep disorders. Label each type.
(a) George awakens many times each night and feels fatigued and poorly rested the next day.
(b) While sleeping, Joan often snores loudly and frequently stops breathing temporarily.
(c) Xavier complains to his physician about sudden and irresistible onsets of sleep during his normal work day.
(d) Tyler is a young child who often wakes up terrified and cannot describe what has happened. These episodes occur primarily during NREM sleep.
a) insomnia
b) sleep apnea
c) narcolepsy
d) night terrors
_____ drugs change conscious awareness, mood, and/or perception
_____ drugs inhibit normal synaptic transmission, whereas _____ drugs enhance synaptic transmission.
antagonistic, agonistic
Drug taking that causes emotional or physical harm to the drug user or others is known as _____. (a) addiction; (b) physical dependence; (c) psychological dependence; (d) drug abuse
d) drug abuse
How does physical dependence differ from psychological dependence?
Physical dependence refers to changes in the bodily processes that make a drug necessary for minimal functioning. Psychological dependence refers to the desire or craving to achieve a drug’s effect.
Identify the four major categories of psychoactive drugs.
depressants, stimulants, opiates, hallucinogens
_____ is a group of techniques designed to focus attention, block out all distractions, and produce an alternate state of consciousness (ASC). (a) Hypnosis; (b) Scientology; (c) Parapsychology; (d) Meditation
d) Meditation
List the five major characteristics of hypnosis.
narrowed, highly focused attention, increased use of imagination and hallucinations, a passive and receptive attitude, decreased responsiveness to pain, and heightened suggestibility
Why is it almost impossible to hypnotize an unwilling participant?
Hypnosis requires the subject to make a conscious decision to relinquish some personal control of his or her consciousness
List the five myths of hypnosis.
forced hypnosis, unethical behavior, faking, superhuman strength, exceptional memory
Which of the common dream themes are closest to your own experience.
answers vary