Chapter 5 Research Problem and purposes Flashcards
What are concepts phenomena of interest or broad problem areas
Research topics
What is the area in which there is a gap nursing knowledge base
A research problem
What is the clear concise statement of the specific focus or aim of a study identifying the reason why the study was conducted
The research purpose
What is when the researcher will allow for a 5% or lower probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is indeed true
Type 1 error
What is the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when it is false
A type 2 error
What is the type of replication strategy in nursing which is conducted under distinctly new conditions, and its goal is extension of the findings of the original study most frequently to different settings or to patients with different disease processes
Systematic replication
What is the type of research that investigates participants experiences and often the meaning those experiences hold for them
Phenomenological research
What is the type of research investigates as human process with sociological focus
Grounded theory research
What type of research examines individuals within cultures identifying membership requirements and expected behaviours, enacted behaviours and rules of the shaped culture
Ethnographical research
What is the broad term that includes qualitative descriptive work in which a specific methodology is not mentions as serving as the foundation of the study
Exploratory-descriptive qualitiative research