Chapter 2 Evolution of Research in Building Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Flashcards
What is the conscientious integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery of the quality , cost effective health care
Evidence-based practice
What generates the evidence to support nursing interventions and cannot be separated from nursing practice
Nursing science
What is the formal, objective, systematic study process implemented to obtain numerical data to answer a research question
Quantitative research
What is a systematic interactive subjective holistic, scholarly approach used to describe life experiences cultures, and social processes from the perspectives of the persons involved in their natural settings
Qualitative reaseach
What is the combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies
Mixed methods
What is the branch of philosophy that operates on strict rules of logic, truth, laws, axioms, and predictions
Logical positivism
Is logical positivism apart of quantitative or qualitative research methodologies
What is the understanding that truth can be discovered only imperfectly and in a probabilistic sense
Post positivism
What involves breaking the whole into parts
What is the application of trends or general tendencies to the population from which the sample was drawn
What are the 4 quantitative research methods
Descriptive research
Correlational research
Quasi-experimental research
Experimental research
What are the 4 Qualitative research methods
Phenomenological research
Grounded theory research
Ethnographical research
Exploratory-descriptive qualitative research
What research provides and accurate portrayal or account of characteristics of a specific individual situation or group
Descriptive research
What research Involves the systematic infestation of relationships between or among two or more variables that have been identified in theories , observed in practice or both
Correlational research
What research identifies casual relationships, to examine the significance of casual relationships, to clarify why certain events happened, or a combinations of these objectives
Quasi-experimental research