Chapter 4: Introduction to Qualitative Research Flashcards
What is the value structure of a person
What is the communication of a researchers characteristics related to the study topic such as the researchers social status gender age, personal experiences and political party
What is a researchers self awareness, understanding and acknowledgement of their personal biases and their influence on the topic and their personal biases and their influence on the topic and the participants.
What is the study of the nature of being and existence and addresses questions such as what does it mean to exist and what is real
What is the study of knowledge or how it is produced
What is the philosophical perspective consistent with different multiple subjective views of reality
What is the philosophy that supports different multiple subjective views of experiences that are co-constructed with others
Social construcitivism
Is a worldview for the research who is seeking to find a solution for the problem
What is the extent to which a study was implemented consistently with the standard accepted by scientists
What type of research describes the essence of experiences from the participants perspective or as frequently stated capture the lived experience
Phenomenological research
What is an experience of an individual or multiple individuals who have a similar experience
What is defined as the blank tablet that a researcher attempts to create by suspending our automatic and deep seated belief in the mind-independent existence of reality
What is setting asides one belief during qualitative research
What is articulating what is the phenomenon and what is not the phenomenon
What is removing the influence of your pre-understanding of the experience and focusing on the lived experiences of the participant