Chapter 19 Evidence Synthesis and Strategies for Implementing Evidence Based Practice Flashcards
What is the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery and quality of cost effective health care
Evidenced based practice
What is produced by the conduct and synthesis of numerous high quality studies in a selected health-related area
Best research evidence
What is the summary of relevant studies to determine empirical knowledge in an area that is critical to the advancement of practice research, and policy
Research synthesis
What is a research synthesis strategy that involves statistically pooling the samples and results from previous studies with the same focus and research design
What is the the bias that occurs because studies with positive results are more likely to be published than studies with negative or inconclusive resutls
Publication bias
What is the bias in which studies with negative results are usually published later
Time lag bias
What is the bias in which studies with positive results may be published more than once
Duplicate bias
What is the bias in which studies are published in lower impact journals and indexed in less-searched bias
Location bias
What is the bias in which certain studies are cited more often than others are more likely to be identified in database searches
Citation bias
What is the bias in which occurs if searches only focus on studies in english
Language bias
What bias occurs when study results are not reported clearly and with complete accuracy
Outcome reporting bias
What analysis method provides graphic representations of possible effect sizes or odds ratios for interventions in selected studies
Funnel Plot
What is a standard statistic that is calculated to determine the absolute difference between two groups
Mean difference
What model represented that all of the studies are not exterminating the same intervention effect but rather related effects per studies that follow a distribution across studies
Random effects model
What model represents when each study is estimated using the exact same quality
Fixed effects model
What is the ratio of the risk of subjects in the intervention group to the risks of subjects in the control group for having a particular health outcome
Relative risk (risk ratio)
What is the ratio of the odds of an event occurring in one group
The odds ratio
What is the the risk of an event in the experimental group minus the risk of the event in the control or standard care group
Absolute risk reduction
What is the process and product of systematically reviewing and formally interpreting and integrating the findings from qualitative studies
Qualitative research synthesis
What is the systematic compilation integration and translation of qualitative study result using different conceptual views to consolidate knowledge of fundamental importance to nursing
Meta synthesis
What is the step in conducting meta synthesis that involves summarizing findings across qualitative reports to identify knowledge in a selected area
What involves examining methodology and findings across studies for similarities and differences
The comparative analysis
Research synthesis by this method depends on both qualitative and quantitative findings being conceived as potential addressing the same factors or aspects of a large phenomenon
Research synthesis by this method occurs when diverse individual finds are arranged into a coherent theoretical framework or model
What type of synthesis involves synthesizing the findings from quality studies separately from qualitative studies and integrating the findings from theses two synthesis in a final report
Separate synthesis
What type of synthesis is used hen quantitative and qualitative research findings are thought to extend infirm or refute each other and are synthesized concurrently
Integrated synthesis
This describes the time in which research reports are critically appraised to determine their scientific soundness
Validation phase
This type of evaluation includes 4 parts:
Fit qualifiers of he evidence for the healthcare setting
Feasibility of using the research findings
Substantiation of the evidence
Concerns with current practice
Comparative evaluation
That phase involves planning for and using the research evidence in practice
The translation and application phase
What is the direct and formal application of research evidence to support the needs for change in nursing intervention or practice protocols algorithms and guidelines
Instrumental use
What is the informal indirect use of research knowledge to modify one way of thinking or appreciation of an issue
Cognitive use
What occurs when position papers for change are developed to persuade others to a new way of thinking
Symbolic use
What is the evolving strategy that is the translation of basic scientific discoveries into practical applications
Translational research