Chapter 5: Energy Sources Flashcards
Non-Renewable energy sources
Fossil fuels Coal Gas Peat Oil
Fossil fuels
The decomposing of plants and organisms
Heat water to produce steam
Mining coal
Peat is made of decayed plants and other organic matter found in bogs
Renewable energy sources
Hydrolectric power (HEP) Geothermal energy Biomass Wind Solar
Is the creation of energy by using the force of falling water
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is created by using the heat from the Earths crust and heated by the rocks. The heated water is then pumped back to the surface where it can be used to heat homes.
Advantage of oil
It gives off hardly any smoke
It produces great heat
It is very efficient
It is easily transported
Disadvantages of Oil
It is expensive
We have to import it
It must be transported by sea in tankers
Oil leaks can cause serious pollution
Wind energy
The force of the wind can be used to turn turnines and create electricity
Solar energy
Solar energy is created using heat and light from the sun
Biomass energy comes from organic material. Wood, logs, chips and pellets.
Problems causes by acid rain
It can wash nutrients from the soil
Wipe out fish stocks
Forests become vulnerable to disease
Cotes can be damaged, the rain weathers the stone
Acid rain
Acid rain is formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are released into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels can create this.
Solutions to acid rain
Use more renewable and clean energy
Use natural gas
Use filters on coal and oil power stations
Tax cars with high emissions or develop cleaner technology for cars.
Encourage people to use public transport.
Smoke from burning fossil fuels cause air pollution. When these gases mix with sunlight and it heat, smog is formed. Because it looks like fog and is caused by smoke.