Chapter 14: Climates Flashcards
Factors that influence global climates
Distance from the sea
Prevailing winds and air masses
Latitude affecting climate
Areas closer to the equator are warmer because the suns energy is greatest at the equator. It concetrates on a smaller area.
The further you travel from the equator, the cooler it gets.
How distance form the sean affects the climate
The sea takes longer to heat up and cool than land.
During the summer, seawater is cooler that land. During the winter, seawater is warmer than land because it loses heat more slowly. This means that areas closer to the sea have cooler summers and milder winter than areas that are far away from the sea.
How Prevailing winds and air masses affect the climate
Winds move warm and cold air masses. As the air masses move over the land they influence temperature and precipitation.
South-westerly winds travel over the Atlantic. They are mild in winter because the temperature of the sea is warmer than the land. The winds are cooler in summer because the temperature of the sea is cooler than the land. South-westerly winds absorb moisture as they pass over the ocean and often bring precipitation.
Northerly and polar winds are cold because they come from higher latitudes. During the winter northerly winds can bring snow.
Southerly winds are warm because they come from lower latitudes. The air cools as it travels away from the equator so it loses its ability to hold moisture. Therefore, southerly winds may bring some rainfall.
Easterly winds travel over continental Europe, so are sometimes called continental winds. In summer, when temperatures are higher, they are warm in winter, when the temperature are lower, they are cold. Easterly winds are usually dry winds because they travel over land
Factors that influence local climates
Aspect is the direction a slope faces in relation to the sun.
South-facing slopes in the northern hemisphere are pointed towards the sun and are warmer than north-facing slopes, which may be in the shade.
South-facing slops are also influenced by warm southerly winds. North-facing slopes may be in the path of cold northerly winds.
Altitude is the height of an area above sea level.
The higher a place is the colder it gets. This is because the air is thinner at high altitudes and holds less heat.
Upland areas are also more exposed to wind than lowland areas, which are sheltered by the uplands. Upland areas also experience more rain because as the air rises, it cools and is unable to hold moisture.
Global climates
Hot climates
Temperate climates
Cold climates
Hot climates
The hot climatic zones are found close to the equator. They include
Equatorial climates
Savannah climate
Hot desert climate
Temperature climates
The temperature climatic zones are found in the mid-latitudes. They include
Cool temperature oceanic (Irelands climate)
Warm temperate oceanic (Spain climate)
Cold climates
The cold climate zones are found close to the poles. They include
Boreal climate
Tundra climate
Factors influencing Irelands cliamte
Distance from the sea
Atlantic ocean currents, North Atlantic Drift (NAC)
Prevailing winds, south westerly.
Natural causes for climate change
Changing ocean currents patterns
Earths changing orbit and tilt
Volcanic activity blocking the sun
The greenhouse effect and global warming
We prodcue increasing amounts of greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide, Methane), more heat is being trapped in the atmosphere and temperature are rising
Causes of global warming
Buring fossil fuels
Cutting trees
Methane, rice production, anount of cattle
Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs, they were used in refrigerators. They can not be used anymore because the dangers it causes.
The ozone layer
Is a part of the lower atmosphere, which helps to filter out harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. It is very important to wear sunscreen with UV ray protection to help avoid skin cancer.
Implications of climate change
Rising sea levels
Increasing temperature
Weather will become more extreme
The skiing season will be reduced, which will affect the economies of mountainous areas.
There will be less meltwater availabe for HEP
Habitats will be under threat