Chapter 5 - Adaptations to Anaerobic Training Programs Flashcards
Anaerobic Alactic System is also known as:
The Phosphagen or Creatine Phosphate System.
The Anaerobic Lactic System is also known as:
The Glycolytic System
The _____ ______ activity increases when the level of force developed increases and when new exercise or movements are being learned.
Motor Cortex
Many neural changes with anaearobic training take place along the descending ______ ______.
Corticospinal Tracts
Maximal strength and power increases of agonist muscles results from an increases in (3):
- Recruitment
- Rate of Firing
- Syncronization of Firing
*Or a combination of all three factors.
Low-threshold motor units are recruited first and have lower force capabilities than higher-threshold motor units.
Typically, to get to high-threshold motor units, the body must first recuit the lower-threshold motor units.
Exceptions exist, especially with respect to explosive, ballistic contractions that can selectively recruit high-threshold units to rapidly achieve more force and power.
Size Principle
The muscle undergoing unilateral resistance training produces strength and neural activity in the contralateral resting muscle.
The process of ______ involves both an increase in the synthesis of the contractile proteins (actin and myosin within the myofibril) an an increase in the number of myofibrils within a muscle fiber.
The new myofilaments are added to the external layers of the myofibril, resultin in an increase in its diameter.