CHAPTER 5 Flashcards
Performance = ?
capability X motivation X support
(the know how, KSA’s)
the effort and desire
the resources and support
what propels a person to act (i.e., to take
actions or display behaviors).
Motivation is an internal process
Outside factors (including organizational processes and
management actions) can influence a person’s
maslow hierarchy of needs theory?
Self-actualization (realizing one’s full
becoming everything one is capable of being)
Esteem (Ego) (achievement, freedom, status,
recognition, and self esteem)
Social (belonging, affection, friendship
and love)
Safety (security – both physical and
Physiological (food, water, sex)
herzebergs two factor theory (motivators and hygiene factors)
Motivators (“satisfiers”) • Recognition • Responsibility • The work itself • Advancement Hygiene factors (“dissatisfiers”) - Money/pay - Supervision - Working conditions - Company policies
equity theory
Employees are constantly comparing their outcomes
(O) and inputs (I) with those of some “Other.“
The “Other” is whatever they choose to compare with
a co-worker
people who work for other companies
an idea of what is “fair,” based on more than one source
expectancy theory
lyman porter and ee lawler suggest that motivation is also influenced by what people expect
effort to performance expectations
employees belief that working harder will lead to higher performance
performance reward linkage
individuals expectations that high performance will actually lead to rewards
valence (value of rewards)
refers to how valuable the rewards are to the employee
psychological contract
unwritten expectations employees and employers hav eabout their nature of their work relationships
job satisfaction
positive feelings and evaluations desired from an individuals exmployment in a job
employee engagement
extent to which an employees thoughts and behaviors are focused on his or her work and their employer’s success
organizational citizenship behavior
occurs when an employee acts in a way that improves the psychological well-being and social environment or an organization
any failure by an employee to report for work as scheduled or to stay at work when scheduled
the process in which employees leave an organization and have to be replaced