Chapter 5 Flashcards
Study of being or “I am” experience.
Religious or spiritual beliefs about the ideal world; the way an individual wants the world to be.
An unpleasant feeling of fear and/or apprehension accompanied by physiological changes such as fast pulse, quick breathing, sweating, flushing, muscle aches, and stomach tension.
Attitude Modulation
Technique used to change motivations from anxious ones to healthy ones by questioning the client’s rationale and by removing obstacles that interfere with being responsible.
Being genuine and real, as well as aware of one’s being.
Being in the World
Refers to examining oneself, others, and one’s relationship with the world, thus attaining higher levels of consciousness.
Boundary Situation
An urgent experience that compels an individual to deal with an existential situation.
Technique in which clients focus away from their problems instead of on them to reduce anxiety.
Way of relating to one’s own world; being aware of oneself and how we relate to ourselves.
Philosophical view that emphasized the importance of existence, including one’s responsibility for one’s own psychological existence.
Positive term, is one that produces a sense of intimacy, a sense of fondness develops when people experience a moment in the same way that another does.
Critical point at which a disease is expected to get better or worse. In psychotherapy, it refers to the appropriate timing of a therapeutic intervention.
Focuses on challenging clients to search for meaning in their lives.
Way of experiencing oneself in the present. One is relaxed, open, and alert.
Way in which individuals relate to the world by interacting socially with others.
Neurotic Anxiety
Anxiety that is out of proportion to a particular event. Usually happens when an individual is not living authentically and may fail to make choices and assume responsibility.
Normal Anxiety
Anxiety arising from the nature of being human and dealing with unforeseen forces.
Paradoxical Intention
Therapeutic strategy in which clients are instructed to engage in and exaggerate behaviors they seek to change.
Not taking responsibility for one’s own life, not being aware of feelings, or being alienated or not being authentic.
The process of satisfying one’s own needs without interfering with others’ fulfillment of their needs.
Going beyond one’s immediate situation to understand one’s being and to take responsibility for that being.
Socratic Dialogue
Series of questions designed to help the client arrive at logical answers to and collections about a certain hypothesis (guided discovery).
Thrown Condition
Unforeseen forces or events in the world that one does not cause.
Patient’s feelings and fantasies, both positive and negative, about the therapist.
Relating to the environment, the objects and living beings within it; attending to the biological and physical aspects of the world.