Chapter 4 Flashcards
Acting As If (Adler)
Patients are asked to acts as if a behavior will be effective. They are encouraged to try on a new role the way they might try on new clothing.
Aha Response (Adler)
Developing a sudden insight into a solution to a problem as one becomes aware of one’s beliefs and behaviors.
Assets (Adler)
Assessing the strengths of individuals’ lifestyle is an important part of lifestyle assessment, as is assessment of early recollections and basic mistakes.
Avoiding the Tar Baby (Adler)
Referring to the therapist being careful when discussing a sticky issue that is both significant for the patient and causes problems for the patient.
Basic Mistakes (Adler)
Self-defeating aspects of individuals’ lifestyle that may affect their later behavior.
Birth Order (Adler)
The idea that place in the family constellation (such as being the youngest child) can have an impact on one’s later personality and functioning.
Catching Oneself (Adler)
Patients learn to notice that they are performing behaviors they wish to change. They then will have an Aha Response.
Creating Images (Adler)
Techniques to form a mental picture of doing something, which can have more impact than reminding oneself mentally.
Early Recollections (Adler)
Memories of actual incidents that patients recall from their childhood.
Encouragement (Adler)
Therapeutic technique used to build a relationship and to foster client change.
Family Constellation (Adler)
The number and birth order, as well as the personality characteristics of members of a family, important in determining lifestyle.
Specific behaviors or activities that clients are asked to do after therapy sessions.
Immediacy (Adler, Gestalt)
Communicating the experience of the therapist to the patient about what is happening in the moment.
Inferiority (Adler)
Feelings of inadequacy and incompetence that develop during infancy and serve as the basis for striving for superiority in order to overcome feelings of inferiority.
Inferiority Complex (Adler)
A strong and pervasive belief that one is not as good as other people. Usually resulting from feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.
Interpretation (Adler)
Adlerians express insights to their patients that relate to patients’ goals. Focus is usually on family constellation and social interest.
Life Tasks (Adler)
There are five basic obligations and opportunities; occupations, society, love, self-development, and spiritual development. These are used to help determine therapeutic goals.
Lifestyle (Adler)
Way of seeking to fulfill particular goals that individuals set in their lives. Use patterns of beliefs, cognitive styles, and behaviors as a way of expressing their style of life.
Paradoxical Intention
Therapeutic strategy in which clients are instructed to engage in and exaggerate behaviors they seek to change. Therapists make patients more aware of symptoms and how to achieve.
Push-Button Technique (Adler)
To show patients how they can create whatever feeling they want by thinking about it. Remember a pleasant incident, become aware of feelings, and then switch to an unpleasant image and those feelings. Patients learn that they have the power to change their own feelings.
Social Interest (Adler)
Caring and concern for the welfare of others that can serve to guide people’s behaviors throughout their lives. Being a part of society and taking responsibility to improve it.
Spitting in the Client’s Soup (Adler)
Making comments to the client to make behaviors less attractive or desirable.
Style of Life (Adler)
Way of seeking to fulfill particular goals that individuals set in their lives.
Superiority (Adler)
The drive to become superior allows individuals to become skilled, competent, and creative.
Superiority Complex (Adler)
A means of masking feelings of inferiority by displaying boastful, self-centered, or arrogant behavior. Inflating one’s importance at the expense of others.
Organ Inferiority
Concept whereby physical abnormalities contribute to the development of neurosis.
Strivings for Superiority
Human motivation and drive to turn a deficit into an asset.
People are motivated by their future goals.
Belief in an ultimate goal, final state of being which motivates us to move toward this goals and behave accordingly.
Fictional Finalism
Our goals do not exist as realities but rather potentialities.
Therapeutic Relationship
Genuineness, care, encouragement; overcoming feelings of inferiority.
Assessing Life Style
Investigate attitudes, beliefs, history, goals of client.
Develop Self-Understanding
Attempt to understand and develop/modify/change client’s lifestyle.
Putting insight into action. Goal is to change old patterns of behavior and adopt a more active and responsible lifestyle.
Receive maximum amount of parental attention and time. High-achievers, emotionally mature, high-expectations, may struggle if fall short.
Parents are typically less anxious and more relaxed. Often develop strong communication/negotiation skills.
Increased risk of being pampered and having dependency issues.