Chapter 3 Flashcards
Active Imagination (Jung)
Technique of analysis in which individuals actively focus on experiences or images, reporting changes in these images or experiences as they concentrate on them.
Amplification (Jung)
Process of using knowledge of the history and meaning of symbols to understand unconscious material, such as that arising from patients’ dreams.
Possessing both masculine and feminine psychological traits, usually in relatively equal amounts.
Anima (Jung)
The archetype representing the feminine component of the male personality.
Animus (Jung)
The archetype that represents the masculine component of the female personality.
Archetypes (Jung)
Universal images or symbols that are pathways from the collective unconscious to the conscious.
Attitudes (Jung)
Two ways of interacting with the world.
Auxiliary Function (Jung)
the function that takes over when the superior function is not operating. Feeling, sensing, and intuiting.
Collective Unconscious (Jung)
Part of the unconscious that contains memories and images that are universal to the human species.
Complex (Jung)
Group of associated feelings, thoughts, and memories that have intense emotional content.
Dreams (Jung)
Arising from unconscious creativity, “big” dreams represent symbolic material from the collective unconscious; “little” dreams reflect day-to-day activity and may come from the personal unconscious.
Extraversion (Jung)
One of the two major attitudes of personality. Associated with valuing objective experience and perceiving and responding to the external world rather than thinking about one’s own perceptions of internal world.
Feeling (Jung)
A function of personality in which individuals attend to subjective experiences of pleasure, pain, anger, or other feelings. Its polar opposite of thinking.
Functions (Jung)
Four ways of perceiving and responding to the world.
Individuation (Jung)
Process of integrating opposing elements of personality to become whole.
Inferior Function (Jung)
The function that is least well-developed in an individual and may be repressed and unconscious, showing itself in dreams or fantasies.
Introversion (Jung)
One of the two major attitudes of personality. Represents an orientation toward subjective experiencing and focusing on one’s own perception of the external world.
Intuiting (Jung)
A personality function that stresses having a hunch or guess about something, which may arise from the unconscious. Its polar opposite is sensing.
Jungian analyst
Term used for individuals trained at institutions certified by the International Association for Analytic Psychology.
Mandala (Jung)
Symbolic representation of the unified wholeness of the Self.
Persona (Jung)
Archetype representing the roles that people play in response to social demands of others. Mask when interacting with the environment.
Personal Unconscious (Jung)
Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that are not accepted by the ego are stored here.
Psyche (Jung)
Term for personality structure, which includes conscious and unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Psychic Energy (Jung)
Energy of the personality or psyche developing from desiring, motivating, thinking, looking, and so forth.
Puella Aeterna (Jung)
A woman who may have difficulty accepting the responsibilities of adulthood and is likely to be still attached to her father.
Puer Aeternus (Jung)
A man who may have difficulty growing out of adolescence and becoming more responsible.
Sandtray (Jung)
A sandbox with small figures and forms to which individuals can assign meaning.
Self (Jung)
Archetype that is the center of personality that provides organization and integration of the personality through a process of individuation.
Sensing (Jung)
Personality function that emphasizes one’s perception of oneself and one’s world. Its polar opposite is intuiting.
Shadow (Jung)
Archetype that represents unacceptable sexual, animalistic, or aggressive impulses, usually the opposite of the way we see ourselves.
Superior Function (Jung)
One of the four functions of personality, which is most highly developed.
Symbols (Jung)
Content and outward expression of archetypes.
Synchronicity (Jung)
Coincidences that have no causal connection.
Thinking (Jung)
Function of personality in which individuals attempt to understand the world and to solve problems; in contrast to feeling.
Transcendent Function (Jung)
Refers to a confrontation of opposites, a conscious thought and unconscious influence. It bridges two opposing attitudes or conditions and in the process becomes a third force usually expressed through an emerging symbol.
Word Association
Method developed by Jung and Riklin in which individuals are asked to respond to a word with another word or phrase.