Chapter 5 Flashcards
Process that determines permanent change of behavior, knowledge, emotion as a result of practice or experience
Developmental process, controlled by a genetic blueprint, physical ability to change
ex: walking outcome of maturation at 1 year old
have to develop physically to realize
Classical conditioning
Process of learning association between environmental stimuli and responses and outcomes
Ivan Pavlow
- Physiologist studying digestion and starts in mouth
- His serendipity was finding Classical Conditioning through looking at Saliva
Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)
Unlearned stimulus, stimulus involuntary creates a response
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
Natural/unlearned stimulus response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Originally neutral, doesn’t cause anything
Conditioned Response (CR)
- Learned/conditioned response
- not a new behavior
Basic Principles affecting acquisition
-Timing of pairing
USC quickly follows CS (food follows can opener)
-Frequency of pairing
(the more it happens, the more the speed and strength of acquisition)
-Distinctive, new stimulus (refers to CS)
(has to be new)
Stimulus generalization
Close enough to CS so animal may respind
ex: drawer with can opener being opened
Stimulus discrimination
Response to one stimuli and none to others
ex: keep enforcing a fake stimuli of ‘can opener drawer’ to dogs, sooner or later the dog will stop responding to the can opener
Response dies out
ex: Keep shaking a can opener (CS) in front of a dog but not giving him food, causes the dog to eventually stop responding to the can opener
Spontaneous Recovery
Response after extinction, can spontaneously reoccur after animals have been given a rest from the CS and all testing.
(weak and short lived)
-Chain/sequence of stimuli that predict the next thing.
John Watson
- Classically conditioned a response of infant
- He made infant afraid of white things
- Little Albert
- Advocated nuture: all about learning because you have a blank slate and can make anyone learn anything
John Garcia
Involved with Taste Aversion
Taste Aversion
- Timing: breaks the rule (sick after eating the food)
- Frequency: happens one time and you stop (don’t continue to eat the food and get sick after every time)
Biological Prepardness
-Difficult Condition:
Shock (USC) + Taste (CS) = Fear response (CR)
-Easy to condition:
Shock (USC) + Light (CS) = Fear response
Robert Rescorla
- Suggested what we look for in environments are informative and reliable
- Cognitive processes (thinking)
- shock
Operant Conditioning
-Your behaviors operate on the environment to generate consequences
Thorndike and Law of Effect
- Investigated how behavior is affected by its consequences
- Cats in puzzle boxes
- Events that are followed by positive outcomes are likely to occur again and vice versa
-Increases future behavior
Positive reinforcement
- Adding something
ex: giving significant other kisses after buying gifts which leads to this action happening again
Negative reinforcement
- Subtract something adversive
ex: hitting snooze