Chapter 4.4: Meiosis: Cell Divisions That Halve Chromosome Number Flashcards
What phase of meiosis does the nuclear membrane breaks down and the spindle begins to form?
diakinesis of prophase I of meiosis I
What phase of meiosis does Sister chromatids attach to fibers from the same pole?
metaphase I
What are somatic cells?
• The mitotically dividing and G0-arrested cells are the so-called somatic cells whose descendants continue to make up the vast majority of each organism’s tissues
Describe prophase II (3)
Chromosomes condense
Centrioles move toward the poles
The nuclear envelope breaks down
What phase: Cytokinesis?
telophase II
What phase of meiosis does • Chromatids thicken and shorten?
diakinesis of prophase I of meiosis I
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of number of divisions
Mitosis: One round of division
Meiosis: Two rounds of division, meiosis I and meiosis II
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of products
Mitosis: Mitosis produces two new daughter cells, identical to each other and the original cell. Mitosis is thus genetically conservative
Meiosis: Meiosis produces four haploid cells, one (eggs) or all (sperm) which can become gametes. None of these is identical to each other or to the original cell, because meiosis results in combinatorial change
What phase of meiosis does • Homologous chromosomes enter synapsis?
zygotene of prophase I of meiosis I
Describe pachytene of prophase I of meiosis (2)
- Synapsis is complete
* Crossing-over, genetic exchange between nonsister chromatids of a homologous pair, occurs
What phase of meiosis does • Chromosomes thicken and become visible, but the chromatids remain invisible?
leptotene of prophase I of meiosis I
What phase of meiosis does Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles?
anaphase I
What phase: Chromosomes condense?
prophase II
What phase of meiosis does • A tetrad of four chromatids is visible?
diplotene of prophase I of meiosis I
What phase of meiosis does Tetrads line up along the metaphase plate?
metaphase I
What phase of meiosis does • The synaptonemal complex forms?
zygotene of prophase I of meiosis I
When does each of the two daughter nuclei divides, resulting in four nuclei?
meiosis I
Describe telophase II (3)
Nuclear membranes re-form, and cytokinesis follows
Chromosome begins to uncoil
Cytokinesis- the cytoplasm divides, forming four new haploid cells
What phase: Sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers from opposite poles?
metaphase II
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of which cells undergo
Mitosis: Haploid and diploid cells can undergo mitosis
Meiosis: Only diploid cells undergo meiosis
Describe zygotene of prophase I of meiosis (2)
- Homologous chromosomes enter synapsis
* The synaptonemal complex forms
What are germ cells?
cells destined for a specialized role in the production of gametes
Describe metaphase II (2)
chromosomes align at the metaphase plate
Sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers from opposite poles
What phase of meiosis does • Crossing-over, genetic exchange between nonsister chromatids of a homologous pair, occurs?
pachytene of prophase I of meiosis I
How does meiosis contribute to genetic diversity?
o Because only chance governs which paternal or maternal homologs migrate to the two poles during the first meiotic division, different gametes carry a different mix of maternal and paternal chromosomes (2n combinations)
o The reshuffling of genetic information through crossing-over during prophase I, ensures an even greater amount of genetic diversity in gametes
What phase: Chromosome begins to uncoil?
telophase II
What phase of meiosis does • Centromeres begin to move toward opposite poles?
leptotene of prophase I of meiosis I
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of splitting of centromere
Mitosis: The centromere splits at the beginning of anaphase
Meiosis: The centromere does not split during meiosis I; The centromere splits at the beginning of anaphase II
What is synapsid chromosome pair containing two chromosomes?
What phase of meiosis does The centrome does not divide?
anaphase I
What phase: Sister chromatids move to opposite spindle poles?
anaphase II
What phase of meiosis does • Synaptonemal complex dissolves?
diplotene of prophase I of meiosis I
What is a bivalent?
synapsid chromosome pair containing two chromosomes
Descibe metaphase I of meiosis (3)
Tetrads line up along the metaphase plate
Each chromosome of a homologous pair attaches to fibers from opposite poles
Sister chromatids attach to fibers from the same pole
What phase of meiosis does The chiasmata dissolve?
anaphase I
What phase of meiosis does • Crossover points appear as chiasmata, holding nonsister chromatids together ?
diplotene of prophase I of meiosis I
What is crossing over?
genetic exchange between nonsister chromatids of a homologous pair
Why is meiosis I often called reductional division?
o Because the number or chromosomes is reduced to one-half the normal diploid number, meiosis I is often called a reductional division
Why is meiosis II called equational division?
• Each daughter has the same number of chromosomes as the parental cell present at the beginning of this division; meiosis II termed equational division
What phase of meiosis does • Synapsis is complete?
pachytene of prophase I of meiosis I
What is synapsid chromosome pair containing four chromosomes?
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of sister chromatids
Mitosis: Sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers from opposite poles during metaphase
Meiosis: Homologous chromosomes (not sister chromatids) attach to spindle fibers from opposite poles during metaphase I; Sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers from opposite poles during metaphase II
What phase of meiosis does The nuclear envelope re-forms?
telophase I
When does the parent nucleus divides to form two daughter nuclei?
meiosis I
Describe anaphase II (2)
Sister chromatids move to opposite spindle poles
Centromeres divide
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of place
Mitosis: Occurs in somatic cells
Meiosis: Occurs in germ cells as part of the sexual cycle
What phase: Centrioles move toward the poles?
prophase II
What is the genetic exchange between nonsister chromatids of a homologous pair?
crossing over
Describe interkinesis (2)
Similar to interphase except no chromosomal duplication takes place
In some species, the chromosomes decondense; in others they don’t
Describe diplotnene of prophase I of meiosis (4)
- Synaptonemal complex dissolves
- A tetrad of four chromatids is visible
- Crossover points appear as chiasmata, holding nonsister chromatids together
- Meloic arrest occurs at this time in many species
What phase: Centromeres divide?
anaphase II
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of chromosome duplication
Mitosis: Mitosis is preceded by S phase (chromosome duplication)
Meiosis: Chromosomes duplicate prior to meiosis I but not before meiosis II
What phase of meiosis does • Meloic arrest occurs at this time in many species?
diplotene of prophase I of meiosis I
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of genetic exchange of homologous chromosomes
Mitosis: Genetic exchange between homologous chromosomes is very rare
Meiosis: Crossing-over occurs between homologous chromosomes during prophase of meiosis I
Describe Anaphase I of meiosis (3)
The centrome does not divide
The chiasmata dissolve
Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles
What phase: chromosomes align at the metaphase plate?
metaphase II
What are the phases of prophase I of meiosis in order? (5)
Leptotene Zygotene Pachytene Diplotene Diakinesis
Describe prophase I of meiosis
Homologs condense and pair, and crossing-over occurs
Where does crossing over occur?
o Occurs at the recombination nodule which begins to appear along the synaptonemal complex
What phase of meiosis does Each chromosome of a homologous pair attaches to fibers from opposite poles?
metaphase I
Describe telophase I of meiosis I (2)
The nuclear envelope re-forms
Resultant cells have half the number of chromosomes, each consisting of two sister chromatids
What is non-disjunction?
homologs of a chromosomes pair don’t segregate during meiosis I
How does sexual fertilization contribute to genetic diversity?
o At fertilization, any one of a vast number of genetically diverse sperm can fertilize an egg with its own distinctive genetic constitution
Describe the difference between mitosis and meiosis in term of pairing of homologous chromosomes
Mitosis: Homologous chromosomes do not pair
Meiosis: During prophase of meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair (synapse) along their length
What is a tetrad?
synapsid chromosome pair containing four chromosomes
Describe leptotene of prophase I of meiosis (2)
- Chromosomes thicken and become visible, but the chromatids remain invisible
- Centromeres begin to move toward opposite poles
What occurs when the homologs of a chromosomes pair don’t segregate during meiosis I?
What are cells destined for a specialized role in the production of gametes?
germ cells
What happens in meiosis I?
the parent nucleus divides to form two daughter nuclei
What phase: Nuclear membranes re-form?
telophase II
What phase: The nuclear envelope breaks down ?
prophase II
Describe diakinesis of prophase I of meiosis (2)
- Chromatids thicken and shorten
* At the end of prophase I, the nuclear membrane breaks down and the spindle begins to form
What happens in meiosis II?
each of the two daughter nuclei divides, resulting in four nuclei