Chapter 4: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Flashcards
Theory based nursing practice
Helps to design and implement nursing intervention that address patient responses to health problems
Theory is the foundation of
art and science of nursing
Helps explain an event by defining ideas or concepts, explaining relations among the concepts and predicting outcomes
Nursing Theory
Conceptualizes an aspect of nursing to describe, explain, predict or prescribe nursing care.
A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question
The Domain of Nursing includes
The practical and theoretical aspect of nursing Knowledge of nursing practice Nursing history Nursing theory Education Research
Nursing paradigm
A theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made or thought about.
Nursing Paradigm links
What nursing is
What nursing does
Why nurse’s do what they do
Nursing Metaparadigm
Identifies common areas of concern
The paradigm of nursing includes the following four links
- Person
- Health
- Environment
- Nursing
Nursing views the person
Holistically - compromised of physical, developmental, psycho-social, cultural and spiritual components
Includes all possible conditions affecting patients and the settings in which their health care needs occur.
Nursing theory is conceptualization of some aspects of nursing that
Describes, explains, predicts, or prescribes nursing care
Self-Care Deficit Theory
Explains the factors within a patient’s living situation that support or interfere with his or her self care ability
Self care needs, deficits and abilities
Nursing theories provide nursing school with
A perspective to view patient situations, a way to organize data and a method to analyze and interpret information
Theories can be classified by
Levels of abstraction and goals of the theory
Grand theories
Very abstract (how do nurse's learn to do nursing - benner's model) DOES NOT provide guidance for specific nursing interventions.
Mid-range theories
Less abstract: bridge the gap between grand theories and nursing practice (focus is on phenomenon such as caring, quality of life)