Chapter 11: Developmental Theories Flashcards
Understanding normal growth and development helps nurses how?
Helps them predict, prevent and detect deviations from patient’s own expected patterns.
Encompasses the physical changes that occur from the prenatal period through older adulthood.
Also demonstrates both advancement and deterioration.
Refers to biological, cognitive and socioemotional changes that begin at conception and continue throughout a lifetime.
Development is dynamic and includes progression.
The ability to progress through each developmental stage influences
The overall health of the individual
Success or failure experience within a phase affects what?
The ability to complete subsequent phases.
With repeated developmental failures, what results?
Inadequate sometimes result. However, with repeated successes, health is promoted.
Developmental theories
Provide a framework for examining, describing and appreciating human development.
Understanding the specific task or need of each developmental stage guides
Caregivers in planning appropriate individualized care for patients.
Biophysical Development
How our physical bodies grow and change
Gesell’s Theory of Development
That each child’s pattern of growth is unique and this pattern is directed by gene activity
Cephalocaudal Pattern of Growth
Sequence in which growth is fastest a at the top (head then down)
Proximodistal Pattern of Growth
Starts at the center of the body and moves toward the extremities
What can affect and influence development?
Genes direct the sequence but environmental factors also influence
What factors can affect growth?
Poor nutrition or chronic diseases affect growth rate and result in smaller stature regardless of genetic blueprint.
However, good nutrition will not result in larger stature or growth rate beyond that of your genetic blueprint
Theories of psychoanalytical/psychosocial development describe
human development from the perspectives of personality, thinking and behavior.
Psychoanalytical theory explains development as
Primarily unconscious and influenced by emotion
Psychoanalytical Model of Personality and Development
Individuals go through 5 stages each characterized by sexual pleasure in parts of the body (mouth, anus and genitals)
Adult personality is the result of how an individual resolves conflicts between these sources of pleasure.
Sigmund Freud- Stages of Development include
Stage 1: Oral (birth to 18 months)
Stage 2: Anal (12 to 18 months - 3 years)
Stage 3: Phallic or Oedipal (3-6 years)
Stage 4: Latency (6-12 years)
Stage 5: Genital (Puberty through Adulthood)
Stages of Development: Stage 1-Oral
Initially sucking and oral satisfaction. Vital to life and pleasurable.
Inadequate bonding or chronic illness could affect an infant’s development.
Stages of Development: Stage 2-Anal
Increasingly aware of anal region and its products.
Through toilet-training process the child delays gratification to meet parental and societal expectations.
Stages of Development: Stage 3-Phallic or Oedipal
The boy becomes interested in the penis; the girl becomes aware of the absence of a penis (penis envy)
The child fantasizes about the parent of the opposite sex as his/her first low interest
Stages of Development: Stage 4-Latency
Sexual urges from the earlier Oedipal stage are repressed and channeled into productive activities that are socially acceptable.
Stages of Development: Stage 5-Genital
Final stage. Sexual urges reawaken and are directed to an individual outside the family circle.
Unresolved prior conflicts surface during adolescence.
Once the conflicts are resolved, he/she is then capable of having a mature adult sexual relationship.
Freud Components of Personality
Basic Instinctual impulses
Most primitive part of the personality. Drive to achieve pleasure.
Originates in the infant.
Represents the reality component.
Mediates conflicts between the environment and the forces of the id.
Helps people judge reality accurately, regulate impulses and make good decisions.
Performs regulating, restraining and prohibiting actions.
Referred to as the conscience