Chapter 4 Positioning Apparatus Flashcards
Drivers should position their apparatus for the:
Safest and most advantageous use of the features of the apparatus
A fire dept pumpers primary function on the fireground is to:
Provide water directly for fire streams or to support other pumpers or aerial apparatus
Local policies, the company officer and the driver will determine:
The best placement for the first arriving and later arriving pumpers on he fireground
Pg 136
Preincident planning and distict familiarization will assist the driver to:
Make informeddecision regarding apparatus positioning
Incident scene size up determines the:
Most advantageous position for the attack pumper
The driver and company officer of the first arriving apparatus must:
Observe conditions and determine the best apparatus position based on initial attack strategy and department policy
When fire conditions are evident upon arrival the driver should:
Place the apparatus in a safe position that offers the best tactical advantage. This included an exit route for the apparatus should a withdrawal become necessary
Pull the apparatus past the front of the building:
If feasible when arriving at an incident where no fire is evident (investigation mode)
Life safety is the first tactical priority at any incident. If there is an indication of an obvious rescue situation:
Position the apparatus to facilitate the most efficient deployment of ground ladders or arial device if so equipped
Position the apparatus so that fire streams can be deployed to protect the exposures if the fire has he potential to threaten exposures.
When positioning for exposure protection:
Consider the apparatus as a potential exposure.
Avoid placing the apparatus in a location that may:
Subject it to high levels of radiant heat, falling embers or other products of combustion
Establishing water supply is a primary concern of the driver and company officer in the placement of the pumper. If a confirmed fire is located in an area of limited access such as a narrow driveway or alley the personnel of the first arriving pumper should:
Consider laying their own supply line
Supply lines should be layed where they are:
Accessible to later arriving apparatus
Only after a proper size up confirms the location and extent of the fire can:
A pumpers onboard tank be considered for water supply
If handlines or portable master streams are to be used:
The pumper must be positioned in close proximity to the building or incident scene to allow effective water supply.
If a fixed appliance is to be operated:
The apparatus must be positioned in a safe location close enough or the fire stream to reach its inended target but with consideration for the collapse potential of the structure.
Attempt to position the apparatus:
Upwind of an incident whenever possible
Park apparatus on hard surfaces:
Whenever pratical
The only exception to the uphill hill rule for parking is on ….. Fires:
Wildland. Apparatus and personnel should be downhill of the main body of fire as wildland fires move uphill faster than on flat terrain or downhill
Pg 138
When laying supply hose into the fire scene:
Lay the hose to the side of the street if possible
Pg 138
Apparatus and personnel should maintain a collapse zone of at least:
One and a half times the height of any building determined likely to collapse.
When practical the corners of a building may be advantaeous positions for apparatus placement:
Especially aerial apparatus operating master streams.
Pg 138
The….. Of a structure are generally considered the safest position should a collapse occur:
Pg 138
Indicators that factor into the incident commanders decision to withdraw firefighters and apparatus from an area or building include buildings with:
Reinforcement rods which may be identified by ornamental stars or bolts, those with bulging walls, traveling exterior cracks and falling bricks. Those indicators plus interior collapses are all signs that a large scale structural collapse may occur and a collapse zone should be established.
Pg 139
Location of overhead utility lines:
Dictate the position of apparatus on the fireground
Depending on the incident apparatus, equipment, and personnel operating within……. Feet of the base of a high rise fire may need to be protected from falling glass and debris
If a building is less than ….. Floors tall, the attack pumper is positioned on the siDe of the street closest to the building and ariel apparatus are placed outboard of the pumpers.
Five floors tall
In cases where the fire building is greater than 5 floors:
The attack pumper takes the outside position to allow the aerial apparatus maximum reach to the building
Pg 140
Drivers should position pumpers providing water supply for elevated stream operations:
As closely to the aerial apparatus as pactical
In order to supply a fire dept connection most efficiently, a pumper should position
As closely as possible to the water source. This location is best determined through preincident planning
Drafting operations are required when:
A pumper must be supplied from a static water supply source such as a dry hydrant, storage tank, lake or stream
Pg 141
Preference should be given to drafting locations that are:
Accessible from a hard surface and require a minimum length of hard intake hose or lift
Pg 142
In many jurisdictions, the most common source of water is:
A fire hydrant
Pg 142
Hard intake hose is designed to withstand vacuum not
Designed or intended to be used under positive pressure conditions
Pg 142
The preferred type of hose for hydrant connection is:
Large diameter intake hose
Pg 143
The proper distance to place the apparatus is judged from:
The hydrant NOT the curb as hydrants are different distances from curbs
Pg 143
A good way to minimize the chance or the intake hose kinking is to:
Put a counterclockwise twist in the hose when making the connection between the hydrant and pumper
Pt 144
When opening a hydrant it is advantageous to stand:
Behind the hydrant to prevent injury should a coupling disconnect or fail
Pg 144
When maximum flow from a hydrant if not required or large diameter intake hose is not avail, connection to a hydrant may be made using:
One or two of the hydrants 2.5” outlets.
Pg 144
Tandem pumping operations are actually a form of relay pumping with the pumpers positioned close together rather than evenly spaced apart. Tandem pumping may be needed when:
Pressure higher than a single engine is capable of supplying are required
Pg 144
In tandem pumping operations apparatus may be located up to:
300’ apart
Pg 145
Relay pumping is generally used to:
Increase the volume of water avail at a fire scene while tandem pumping is most often undertaken to increase water pressure
Pg 146
The boundary between wildland and structural development is often referred to as:
The wildland/urban interface
Pg 146
In wildland firefighting driver should back the apparatus into:
Position from the last known turnaround point and note the location of landmarks along the route
Pg 147
Once a wildland apparatus arrives at the structure it is assigned to protect position it accordingly:
Park the apparatus off the roadway as not to block other traffic
Clear away any nearby brush that may serve as fuel for a fire
Position the apparatus on the leeward side of the structure to minimize exposure to heat and. Blowing embers
Place apparatus at a nearby but safe distance from structure in order to keep the hose short
Keep doors and windows closed
Place vehicle ac in recirculate mode
Do not position in close proximity to power lines large trees lpg tanks or other pressure vessels, and exposed structures
Pg 147
Any wildland fire attack should begin with the apparatus positioned in an:
Anchor point ( a natural or man made barrier that will prevent the fire from encircling the vehicle and crew. Typical anchors are roads, lakes, ponds, or previously urned areas
Pg 147
When apparatus is operated in a stationary position:
It should be placed in an area that affords maximum protection from heat and flames
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The vehicle should be positioned facing he direction of an exit path with its front wheels straight and:
Always parked with its wheels chocked and the emergency brake engaged
Pg 148
Do not drive apparatus into unburned fuels higher then:
The vehicles underside clearance
Pg 149
Level one staging is applied to the initial response of more than:
One fire dept unit
Pg 150
Level 2 staging is enacted when:
Large number of u nits are responding to an incident
Pg 150
Upon transmital of level 1 staging vehicles stop (stage) approximately:
One block away from the scene in their direction of travel and await further intsructions
Pg 150
In level 1 staging engine companies typically stage near:
A hydrant or water source. While stage drivers should not allow their apparatus to be blocked
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The staging area manager advises the:
Planning section or IC as to status of resource availability
Pg 150
The most common incidents on roadways are:
Traffic accidents and vehicle fires
Pg 150
Use sirens only to:
Clear traffic
Pg 151
Emergency vehicle warning lights should be used as necessary to:
Reach the incident but one on scene their use should be reduced as much as possible
Pg 151
Apparatus equipped with side mounted pump panels should position:
Facing the incident scene if at all possible, so that the driver at the pump panel controls has a view of the incident scene
Pg 153
The possibility for a hazmat involvement should be considered during every:
Response to a transportation incident
Pg 153
The most common terminology divides the zones into:
Hot, warm, and cold with corresponding levels of hazard
Pg 153
Hot zone, also called restricted exclusion or red zone:
Area closest to the release of material. This area exposed to gases, vapors, dust or runoff from the hazardous substance.
Pg 154
The perimeter of the hot zone must extend far enough to:
Prevent people from suffering from the effects of the release
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Warm zone also called limited access zone or yellow zone is the:
Area abutting the hot a cold zone.
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The warm zone is used to proved support for:
Operations in the hot zone and to decontaminate personnel and equipment exiting the hot zone. The decon process usually takes place within the decon corridor located in the warm zone.
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Cold zone also called support or green zone:
Surrounds the warm zone and is the area where all incident support functions are conducted.
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The command post, staging area, and triage/treatment are all located in the:
Cold zone
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When attempting to position the apparatus in a driveway, lot, or. Yard make sure that the surface is:
Stable enough to support the weight of the vehicle.
Pg 155
Whether responding to an incident along a limited access. Highway, city street, rural road or urban wildland interface, apparatus must be positioned:
For maximum safety and efficiency.
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