Chapter 10 Operating Fire Pumps Flashcards
The driver must first make the_________ operational and then prepare to use at least one of__________ sources of water to supply the pumping operation:
Pg 335
Making the fire pump operational begins after:
The apparatus is properly positioned and the parking brake has been set.
Pg 336
The initial water source is often the:
Apparatus water tank
Pg 337
Upon exiting the cab and chocking the apparatus wheels, the driver then proceeds to the:
Pump panel
Pg 337
It is necessary to transition to an external water supply before:
Depleting the onboard tank
Pg 338
The two basic pressurized water supply sources that a driver will encounter are:
A fire hydrant or a supply hose from another pumper
Pg 339
Drivers should maintain a residual pressure of at least_____ psi on their master intake gauge at all times during pumping operations:
Pg 340
In order to make and informed hydrant selection a thorough knowledge of__________ is necessary
Water supply system
Pg 340
Larger water mains have less_________ while smaller mains will have more
Pg 340
A forward lay consists of:
Stopping at the hydrant, dropping the end of one or more supply hoselines at the hydrant and proceeding to the fire location
Pg 341
In a long lay with large flow demands, a pumper may need to be places at the:
Hydrant to make use of all available pressure
Pg 341
Keep the distance as short as possible to avoid excess friction loss when using_______ or _________ hoselines to supply a pumper directly from a hydrant pressure
2 1/2 or 3”
Pg 344
With a reverse lay hose is laid from:
The fire to the hydrant
Pg 344
The reverse lay is the most direct method of:
Supplementing hydrant pressure or performing drafting operations
Pg 344
Regardless of whether a particular apparatus is quipped with a check valve in the tank to pump line or a shutoff valve on the intake, the driver should:
Close the tank to pump valve after transitioning to an external water supply
Pg 345
When the pump is full of water and the pressure in the system has stabilized with no water flowing , a reading of the pressure o the master intake gauge indicates the:
Static pressure in the water supply system
Pg 346
Pumps supplying a relay operation of master stream are usually used to supply large amounts of water requiring the use of a ___________ setting of the pump
Parallel or volume setting
Pg 346
A hose must be filled before______ can be established
Pg 346
If the master intake gauge reaches 20 psi the throttle must not be:
Increased further due to risk of cavitation
Pg 346
When a pumper is hooked to a hydrant and is not discharging water, the pressure shown on the intake gauge is:
Static pressure
Pg 347
When the pumper is discharging water, the intake gauge displays:
Residual pressure
Pg 347
All changes in flow should be made slowly and smoothly to avoid:
Water hammer and pressure sures on water system
Pg 351
Cavitation can be described as:
Water being discharged faster than it is coming into the pump
Pg 354
The temp of the water, the height of the lift, and the amount of water being discharged affect the point at which:
Cavitation occurs
Pg 354
The surest indication of cavitation may be:
A lack of reaction on the pressure gauge to increases in throttle
Pg 354
Although cavitation can occur when operating from a hydrant system, it often occurs during:
Drafting operations
Pg 354
The first consideration in establishing a drafting operation is:
Site selection
Pg 354
The most important factor in choosing the draft site is the:
Amount of water available
Pg 355
In order for a pumper to approach its rated capacity using a traditional strainer there must be _______ inches of water over the strainer:
Pg 355
In order for a floating strainer to work properly it must:
Float freely unconstrained by the rigidity of the intake hose:
Pg 355
When using a portable tank of swimming pool for drafting operations a____________is the appliance of choice:
Low lever strainer
Pg 356
Each time nonpotable water is pumped through the apparatus:
The pump and piping should be thoroughly flushed with fresh water
Pg 356
All fire pumps meeting nfpa and UL requirements are rated to pump their capacity at ________ of lift
Pg 357
The create an effective fire stream a lift of no more than_______ feet is recommende
Pg 357
Other important variable to consider during draft site selection include:
The stability of the ground surface, the convenience of connecting hoselines, and the safety of the driver
Pg 357
If the area around the final drafting spot is limited. You should:
Stop the vehicle, connect the intake hose and strainer, then slowly drive into place while firefighters carry the hose and strainer and place it in the desired location
Pg 358
To aid in handling of hose and proper strainer position you should:
Tie a rope to the end of the strainer
Pg 358
It is usually easier to connect the hose to the intake fitting by first:
Putting the strainer into the water then placing the apparatus into position
Pg 358
If the bottom slopes steeply from the waters edge place a:
Roof ladder in the water and lay the intake hose on it
Pg 358
To prime a two stage pump the transfer valve must be in the:
Parallel (volume) position
Pg 358
Most priming pumps are intended to work most effectively when the engine is set at a rate between:
1,000 and 1,200 rpm
Pg 359
As the air is evacuated from the pump the master intake gauge will register a vacuum reading. This reading should equal _______ inch of mercury for 1 foot of lift required
for three feet of lift it will read 3”
Pg 359
The entire priming action typically requires_______ to________ seconds.
Pg 359
The most common inability to prime is a :
Air leak that prevents
Pg 359
The most common cause of an air leak is:
An open drain or valve
Pg 359
The driver should not attempt to set the discharge pressure to the desired value until:
Water is flowing and the gauge is stabilized
Pg 360
Using tank water to establish prime can only be successful if:
An adequate seal is established when the tank to pump valve is closed
Pg 360
While the pump is operating a gradual increase in the vacuum may be noted with no change in the flow rate. This is an indication that:
A blockage is developing
Pg 361
The most common place for a blockage to occur is in the:
Pg 361
Aside from the strainer a blockage can occur in the_______. If this happens pumping operations must be stopped while the intake hose is removed and the blockage cleared:
Strainer located at the intake pump
Pg 361
Sprinkler systems are designed to support the flow of a:
Specified number of fire sprinklers based on the hazard being protected
Pg 362
When interior attack crews are operating hoselines from a combination sprinkler/standpipe system with sprinklers flowing set the pressure for:
The interior crews
Pg 363
When supplying a sprinkler system multistage pumps should be set in_______ mode
Parallel or volume
Pg 363
If not specific info is avail the general guideline is to discharge_______ psi into the fdc
Pg 363
Do not use pump discharge pressures in excess of ______ psi unless the standpipe system, hose, and appliances are designed for it