Chapter 4- Pain Modulation and Sensitization Part 2 Flashcards
Is it true Sensitization can occur much sooner?
Yes, it can occur as soon as 1 week even
What is Pain Modulation?
Turning the volume(aka nociception) up or down
What are the 2 terms for pain modulation that are pro-nociceptive and 1 term that is anti-nociceptive?
2 pro-nociceptive –> hyperalgesia + allodynia
1 anti-nocicpetive –> hypoalgesia
What is Hypoalgesia?** fotr ure in exam
Diminished pain in response to a normally painful stimulus
What is Hyperalgesia?
Increased pain from a stimulus that normally provokes pain
What is Allodynia?
Pain due to a stimulus that does not normally provoke pain
What is Pain Treshold?
The minimum intensity a stimulus that is perceived as painful.
What is Evoked Pain Intensity?
The intensity of pain evoked by a stimulus, typically measured on a numerical pain rating scale from 0-10.
What is temporal summation of pain?
Refers to Progressively increasing activity of dorsal horn neurons due to sustained or repetive noxious stimuli
What is Pain Tolerance?
The maximum intensity of a pain induced stimulus due to a repetitive or sustianed noxious stimuli.
What is pain quality description?
A description that refers to the qualitative aspects of pain rather than the quantitative.
What is Pain behaviour?
Refers to what a person does in reaction to pain(avoidance, withdrawal, persistence, other coping, etc) or to express pain (crying grimacing, frowning, clenching)
What is pain distribution?
Refers to the specific areas or regions of the body where is felt. It describes how pain is spread or locolized across different parts of the body. This may also refer to areas of hyperlagesia or allodynia.