Chapter 12- Pain Assessment Management Flashcards
What are the 4 factors in the multimodal assessment model of pain?
- Pain Experience
- Pain Expressions
- Pain Narrative
- Pain Behavior - Pain measures
- Self-reported measures (questionnairs)
- Non-self reported questionnaires (medical imaging) - Environment
What are the 2 main elements to pain assessment?
- Compassion-based Management (humanistic (patient centered)
- Mechanism-based Management (
True or False
Can we directly observe (measure) someones pain experirence?
FALSE, we can only their pain expressions
Why is it an important implication of this reality that we cannot directly observe (measure) someones pain experience?
You cannot invalidate someones pain experience based on pain measures… even if it doesn’t fit the typical presentation
What is therapeutic alliance?
A trusting connection and rapport established between therapist and client through collaboration, communication, therapist empathy and mutual understanding and respect.
my definition: well established rapport and trusting connection built between a patient and therapist and that is done with respect, empathy, having good communication and understanding
What is guilded disclosure?
Gradually crossing level of intimacy
Guilded Disclosure - OARS stands for what?
O: Opended-ended questions
- We want to ask open ended until we reach a easful end
A: Affirming
- You want to validate their pain experiences but you don’t want to encourage bad choices or incorect beliefs
R: Reflecting
S: Summarizing
What is Motivational Interviewing?
R: Resist (don’t correct them. plant seed, guide them)
U: Understand (understand what matters to them)
L: Listen (compassion that leads discussion towards doing something about it)
E: Empower (support autonomy rather than therapist dependence)
Forward pacing technique?
TO increase the pace of the disclosure:
- Reflect(repeat/paraphrase) the last thing a patient said
- Jump ahead to where you think this story is going
- And then use one of the prompts for follow-up questions