Chapter 4 "Make it Motivating" Flashcards
The more you think you need power to influence others motivation…..
the less likely you are to do it well.
Motivation is:
the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
A False Dichotomy happens when you think:
You must put up with the current problem or motivate the people to change through power and threats
Motivations is about?
Expectations, Information, and Communication
A simple truism of motivation is:
1 - People are always motivated.
2 - Motivation is brain driven
3 - Motivation is influenced by a nearly infinite number of sources from both within and without
The expected sum total of the “consequences bundle” drives what?
Three approaches to avoid when trying to motivate someones behavior is:
Charisma, Power and Perks
Raw Power rarely moves what?
Hearts and Minds
How are heart and minds changed?
Through expanded understanding and new realizations
What is the first tool routinely used to motivate others?
The Cost of using Power/Force is?
- Kills Relationships
- Motivates Resistance
- Doesn’t Last
Special rewards should be reserved for?
Special Performance
What are some types of natural consequences?
- Making the Invisible Visible
- Link to Existing Values
- Connect Short-Term Benefits w/ Long-Term Pain
- Place the focus on Long-Term Benefits
- Introduce the Hidden Victims
- Hold up a Mirror
- Stay in the Conversation
- Don’t turn Consequences into Threats
- Listen to others View of Natural Consequences
- Stop when you reach Compliance
When people are unaware of Natural Consequences, when are some opportunities to show them?
- When your teaching
- When your jointly exploring
- When Priorities Differ
- When Others Resist
When using discipline:
- Know the Mechanics
- Partner w/ people in Authority
- Be Appropriately Somber
- Explain the Next Step
- Be Consistent
- Dont back off under pressure
Discipline isn’t something you impose with a sense of ______.
When people behave badly over a long period of time we have done 2 things:
- Avoided accountability discussions
- Created work arounds that enabled other to continue doing what they’re doing, unaware, and guilt free.
What should be done when wrapping up a conversation regarding motivation?
Make a plan and set a follow up time.