Chapter 2 "Master my Stories" Flashcards
What sets the tone for everything that follows during the initial interaction?
The persons behavior in the first few seconds
How many sentences do you have to establish the climate of the interaction?
1 or 2
If leaders start out with strong emotions and believe that they are on the moral high ground the interactions is likely to….
turn out bad for everyone involved.
What is the “Hazardous Half Minute”?
The first 30 seconds of an accountability discussion.
The climate becomes “visible” when?
The first 30 seconds
We “establish a climate” the moment we?
assume the other person is guilty and begin to feel angry or morally superior
The path of why someone did something in our head looks like this:
See & Hear > Tell a Story > Feel > Act
See and Hear > Tell a Story > Feel > Act – Breakdown
We SEE what the person did
Tell ourselves a STORY about WHY they did it
Which leads to a FEELING
Which leads to our own ACTIONS
What was the name of the studies performed in the 1950’s and 1960’s to determine how normal people would determine the cause of a problem?
Attribution Studies
What was the chief error people made when determining the cause of a problem?
We assume people do what they do because of personality factors ALONE.
Most of the time human beings employ what type of view of others?
Dispositional (the do things because of uncontrollable personality factors)
When looking at others from a Situational View what factors are being considered?
Forces of the environment.
The Fundamental Attribution Error is:
assuming that others do contrary things because it’s in their makeup or they actually enjoy doing them and then ignoring any other potential motivational forces is a mistake.
In what condition do people more readily make fundamental attribution errors?
Adverse Conditions
What happens when you choose SILENCE over dealing with an issue?
- You give tacit approval for the action
- Other may think you are playing favorites
- Each time the person repeats the offense, you see the new offense as evidence that your story about his or her motives was correct.
It can be easy to jump from silence to _______ if you let problems gnaw at you for too long.
What can happen due to a lengthy period of tortured silence?
Sudden and Unexpected Emotional Explosion
Who once argued “that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”
Friedrich Nietzsche
People don’t _______ to be abused, physically or emotionally.
When you switch to Violence you become?
Hypocritical, Abusive, and Clinically Stupid
How long does it take to transfer goodwill?
an instant
Does acting unprofessionally ever earn you points?
Stories cause us to see the other person as a?
Accountability Experts set a healthy climate by avoiding?
Ugly Stories
When a Positive Deviant witnesses an infraction they ask themselves what question?
Why would a reasonable, rational, and decent person do that?
What type of questions is “Why would a reasonable, rational, and decent person do that?”
Humanizing Question
A “humanizing question” allows that individual, that ask it, to gain a?
Situational and Dispositional view of people
There are 6 Sources of Influence:
1 - Personal Motivation 2 - Personal Ability 3 - Social Motivation 4 - Social Ability 5 - Structural Motivation 6 - Structural Ability
There are two types of behavior selections that influence people:
The Behavior Selections are influenced by?
Self (Personal), Others (Social), and Things (Structural)
Personal Motivation:
People base their actions on their individual motivation or disposition.
Personal Ability:
Is the person mentally and physically capable of doing the job.
What source of Influence when considered alone makes up the Fundamental Attribution Error?
Personal Motivation
Social Motivation:
Peer Pressure
What is the mother of all stupidity?
Social Peer Pressure
Social Ability:
In order to complete your job others must be willing to provide you with help, information, tools, materials, and sometimes permission.
When you fail to recognize the social problem you are causing you are said to have the?
Eyeballs Problem, your on the wrong side of them to see what your are doing.
Structural Motivation:
Formal rewards systems that include money, promotions, job assignments, benefits, bonuses, etc.
Structural Ability:
“things” can often provide a bridge or barrier.
Gadgets have a profound impact on behavior
Data in the form of informing your employees the cost of things, may cause them to change their behavior
What determines the frequency of human interaction?
Proximity (distance between people)
An ounce of information might be worth a _______ of accountability decisions.
When not know for certain what s going on you must replace anger with?
A prerequisite to effective accountability is?
Understanding what influences others
The Six Sources of Influence when combined make-up the?
Six-Source Model, a diagnostic and influence tool.